• Advanced Culinary Arts

    Food Service Management



    Classroom Policies and Procedures

    Contact Info: Pamela Gutierrez

    Email: pgutierrez@petk12.org

    Culinary Arts Food Service Management year long course

    (10-12th grade) This course is part of the Food Service Pathway and is the  completer course for this pathway.

    Students must pass the introductory culinary arts course prior to taking this course.

    In this course students will expand their study of Culinary Arts and expand food production and sales to faculty through an on-site catering program. Students will learn and apply knowledge through standards and project-based curriculum, both in the lab class setting and in a working food service kitchen. Students will develop culinary skills through nutritional analysis and recipe costing and development. The units are designed to teach students the correct use of food service equipment and food and kitchen safety; with exploration of local, organic and seasonal products. In addition, students will learn about small business management through the operation of a food production and catering business, including production, finance, marketing, and customer service. Students will plan, prepare, and serve snacks for school meetings. Students will be required to serve 10-20 hours per year outside of class time for catering events (faculty meetings and other events).

    Students will be responsible for maintaining SERVSAFE standards in the kitchen. Students will be assigned a weekly score for kitchen sanitation and work ethic. Students will be required to work 1 catering event each semester. Students will have an opportunity join SkillsUSA and be part of culinary competitions.


    General Responsibilities:

    1. Each student is responsible for using the Google Classroom for all current and missing assignments. 95% of class work is distributed and collected via Google Classroom.
    2. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility and must have excused absence to be eligible for make-up assignments.
    3. Each student must arrive on time, prepared with the necessary lesson materials. Students are expected to have hair ties or hat to secure proper food handling during food preparations. Late students will earn detention and or additional kitchen chores.
    4. Each student must familiarize themselves with our technology digital citizenship policy.
    5. At all times students practice safety and sanitation when preparing foods.
    6. In order to receive full credit for food labs, each student must use Ipads to take digital images of food created.

    Class Projects and Evaluations

    The learning objectives for each unit of study are clearly stated on each of the chapter outlines distributed in class.  Each student is responsible for reading the supplementary materials assigned in class. Formal and informal assessments are used in the review of:

      1. Regularly assigned class work and homework 10-20 points
      2. Food labs 10-20 points
      3. Plan, Prepare and Serve  Faculty Snacks After School 30 points.
      4. Plan, Prepare and Attend Lumacon Food Vending event DTBA-50 points
      5. Work Ethic/ Participation in class discussions, group presentations, and cooperative activities 5-10 points


    • Group Project Assignments 20-40 points


    1. Quiz  10-20 points  Test 30-75 points
    2. Self-evaluation checklists and rubrics 5-10 points
    3. Midterm and final examinations 100 points
    1.   Digital Citizenship assigned for appropriate use of technology. 3-5 points

    All points subject to change

    Grading Policy


    80%-89% B

    70%-79% C

    60%-69% D

    59% or lower F

    Classroom Organization:

    Note: We will use  Google Classroom to organize learning materials, Lab Plans, Food lab write ups, and assignments.


    When paper copies are used we use a file crate for each class located near the entrance of the classroom.

    The first two folders in the front of the file crate are marked TURN IN and CORRECTED.

    The folder marked TURN IN where you turn in assignments.

    The folder marked CORRECTED where the corrected and recorded work is returned.


    Presentation of course material:


    Digital slide presentation lectures and student note taking

    Workbook activities that support lecture material

    Instructor food lab demonstration

    Instructor critique of student food labs

    Guest Chef Demonstrators

    Industry Guest Speakers

    Google Classroom password: