• Visual & Performing Arts

    The Visual and Performing Arts Department has a variety of courses to challenge and inspire students. All students are required to take at least one year of a visual or performing arts class for graduation. All courses in the Visual and Performing Arts Department meet this requirement. They also all meet area ‘f’ of the UC/CSU Approved Course List.

    The Visual and Performing Arts curriculum varies depending on each subject. All subjects focus on the five California Content Standards (Artistic Perception, Creative Expression, Historical and Cultural Context, Aesthetic Valuing, and Connections, Relationships, Applications). Strategies and instruction will guide students through a range of critical thinking processes as they study the content relative to each subject area within the department. Each student will be encouraged to use analytical skills to reach an understanding of the texts and works of art. They will also establish connections between the content and his or her own life. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be integrated and language skills will be taught in meaningful contexts. Best of all, these learning contexts include the fun, creative, fulfilling, and hands-on worlds of painting, drawing, sculpture, and photography — as well as performing in bands, singing in the choirs, and acting on the stage in scenes and plays! It is learning not only through analysis but also by actually doing! The drama and music classes perform throughout the year. The visual art classes host art shows throughout the year.

    Courses Offered:  

    • Art 1
    • Art 2
    • Art 3/AP
    • 3D: Make
    • Photography
    • Advanced Photography
    • Beginning Acting
    • Intermediate Acting
    • Advanced Acting
    • Freshman Band
    • Concert Band
    • Symphonic Band
    • Concert Choir
    • Chamber Choir
    • J.V. Jazz Band
    • Varsity Jass Ensemble


    View complete course descriptions in the Course Description Handbook.

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