• Student Attendance

    CGHS Attendance Hotline: (707) 782-9055

    On-Time Policy

    *If you need to excuse your student during the course of a school day, please call the attendance hotline immediately and request an off-campus permit prior to your student's absence. Please note: we do not issue off-campus permits later than 2 PM (M-Tu-Th-F) or 1:30 PM (W)*

    It is expected that students will arrive to all classes on time.  The on-time policy is as follows:
    • A student who arrives late to any class (late is defined as entering the class after the tardy bell has rung; some teachers require students to be seated before the bell) will receive a detention slip from the teacher and is expected to serve detention within two days. 
    • The student will serve detention either the same day, or the next school day. It is the student’s choice.
    • Detentions are 45 minutes in length. Students report to H-5, Student Services, for detention immediately after school and after Office Hours. Detentions may not be served during Office Hours. 
    • Students who do not report for an assigned detention will receive two lunch detentions, one as a consequence for being late and one for failure to serve the first detention.
    • A student who fails to serve the double detention will receive an in-house suspension for one school day.
    • Students who have an excused tardy, ex: a doctor’s appointment, should report to the attendance office where they will be given a pass to class. No detention will be assigned. 
    • Students who intentionally cut class or who report 30 minutes or more late to class are considered truant and will receive detention and/or an in-house suspension. Any single period of unexcused absence will result in two afterschool detentions.
    • Parents/Guardians have 72 hours to clear an absence or tardy. After 72 hours, students will receive notification of an uncleared absence and will have 24 hours to clear the absence before detentions are issued. 
    • Once absences are turned to cuts, detentions will be issued.  Students and/or parents/guardians may not clear detentions.


    Absences are excused for health reasons, family emergencies, and justifiable personal reasons (juvenile detention, court appearance, funeral service, religious holiday, or employment interview). If you miss schoolwork, you can receive full credit for work done within a reasonable time. Your makeup work and tests can be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the academic content you missed. Unexcused absences include (but are not limited to) oversleeping, car trouble, a late ride, cutting class or school, unverified absences, family vacations, suspensions, and detainment in juvenile hall. There is no requirement for a teacher to give you credit when the absence is unexcused. Teachers must inform the class and parents/guardians at the beginning of the semester if applying this Board Policy and records shall specify the grade was given for excessive unexcused absences. When you are absent, makeup work is assigned to ensure your academic progress, not as punishment. Students are responsible for knowing when they have been marked absent in class. If you feel an absence was marked in error, see the Attendance Office secretary for a correction form.

    Parents/Guardians can excuse absences with a note or call to the Attendance Hotline, available 24 hours a day (707) 782-9055. The note or phone call must state the specific dates, days, and/or periods missed to be excused and the reason for the absence. Please make sure you clear your absence on the day you are out. If you become sick during school and need to leave, sign out through the Attendance Office. If you become sick during lunch and can’t return to school, a phone call or note is required. If you leave campus with an off-campus pass and return the same day, first stop in the Attendance Office to time-stamp your pass for admission or readmission to your class. Phone calls, messages, and notes received in the Attendance Office are logged and retained

    Independent Study

    An Independent Study contract is available to students who will miss 5 days or more due to a family emergency, family trip, or other necessary absences. Pick up the Independent Study contract from the Attendance Office at least one week before the absences are scheduled and follow the process explained on the contract. Upon return to school, the student must check into the Attendance Office on the return date listed on the Independent Study contract in order for the absences to be excused and to receive credit for work completed. Students who will be absent for more than 3 weeks due to travel or medical reasons should contact their counselor for guidance.

Excusing Absences through ParentSquare