

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Mary Grehan

Thanks for visiting my teacher page! I have been making art since I could hold a crayon, and have been enjoying the process of sharing and teaching fine arts for 20 + years. I learn as much from my students as I give them. As a practicing artist, my passions and strengths are photography and illustration. As an arts teacher, I am flexible and able to teach just about anything that calls itself "art."  At Casa Grande High School, I teach Photography 1, Advanced Photography, and Art 1, and am thrilled to be able to share my passion for photography with my students, as well as usher new arts students to find their path in our Art 1 curriculum.

I have a Master’s Degree in Education, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art, as well as a Clear Art Education Credential, CTE credential, and CLAD certification in California. I have taught all media and have used differentiated and experiential methods in my work. My professional experiences have given me opportunities to supervise and support teaching staff, design and implement visual arts curriculum, manage studios, budgets and materials, exhibit student work, coordinate with artists-in-residence, and assist in the organization of festivals and events. In addition, I have spent a great deal of time working with children in most aspects of theater: designing sets, acting, directing, costuming and makeup. Finally, I have had a number of opportunities to train pre-adolescents and teens in leadership skills, peer mediation, and group-building initiatives.