• Mathematics

    In an effective and well-designed mathematics program, students move steadily from what they already know to a mastery of skills, knowledge, and understanding. Their thinking progresses from an ability to explain what they are doing, to an ability to justify how and why they are doing it, to a stage at which they can derive formal proofs.

    Students who do not meet the listed prerequisites in math will not be allowed to enroll in a more advanced course. For example, at the time of registration, students earning low grades (below “C”) should plan to repeat their current course. Students may move ahead in math only if the second semester grade is a “C” or better.

    Students planning to attend the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) must complete the Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3 sequence with a grade of “C” or higher. The State of California requires completion of Math 1 content for a high school diploma.

    Courses offered:

    • Math 1
    • Math 2
    • Math 3
    • Trig/Math Analysis
    • Trig/Math Analysis (Honors)
    • Calc A/B (AP)
    • Calc B/C (AP)
    • Statistics (AP) 

    View complete course descriptions in the Course Description Handbook.

  • Casa Grande
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