• Career Technical Education (CTE) 

    Courses Offered: 

    • Gardening & Nursery Management
    • Automotive Engineering (Beg)
    • Automotive Repair Technology (Adv)
    • Introduction to Robotics
    • Culinary Arts (Beg)
    • Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management (Adv)
    • Culinary Arts & Food Service Management (Adv)
    • Introduction to Computer Science Principles (Beg)
    • Computer Science A (AP)
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Computer Graphic Design
    • 3D Animation
    • Sports Medicine (Beg)
    • Sports Medicine (Adv)
    • Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA)


    View complete course descriptions in the Course Description Handbook.

  • Casa Grande
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"