• Casa Grand Boosters

Membership or Donation
  • Booster Club Mission Statement

    It shall be the intent of this organization to aid high school activities in the arts, academics, technology and athletics, both financially and/or by promoting school and community interest in said activities.

    Contact Boosters: casaboosters@gmail.com

    Casa Grande Boosters welcomes you to the 2023-2024 school year!

    Who Are We?
    Founded in 1975, The Casa Grande High School Booster Club is a volunteer non-profit organization of parents, staff, and alumni
    designed to support all Casa Grande High School students including the Fine Arts, Athletics, and Academic programs. Major Booster Club
    fundraising programs include the annual Membership Drive, BLINGO event, weekly Bingo games (on hold temporarily), Snack Shack,
    clothing sales, See’s Candies sales, and our annual auction/event.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/casabooster/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cghsboosters/

    Please consider supporting the Casa Grande Boosters!
    More than 1800 students benefit directly from the Casa Grande Booster Club every year. In the past seven years, Boosters has awarded
    over $500,000 in grants and scholarships!

    Recent funding projects include the installation of the new electronic marquee on Ely Rd, over $7,500 in academics, classroom special
    requests, clubs, provision of uniforms and equipment for our student-athletes totaling over $17,000, campus beautification projects, over
    $24,000 in student scholarships, ASB student body support, annual support for Project Grad, and more!

    How can you join us and participate?
    Joining or renewing online is easy: English Membership Form & Spanish Membership Form

    Our organization always welcomes new members! Come join our monthly meetings and share your ideas. With parents moving on as
    their students graduate, we are now looking to fill several open positions!

    President: Darcie Arenas                                                                              Snack Shack Chair: Shelbi Stoudt
    Vice-President: OPEN                                                                                  Snack Shack Co-chair: OPEN
    Secretary: OPEN                                                                                          Membership: Shelbi Stoudt
    Treasurer: Deanna Partridge                                                                        Fundraising Chair: Denise Bugbee
    Merchandise Co-chairs: Kimi Colaizzi and Amy VanRenselaar                    Publicity Chair: OPEN
    Bingo Chair: OPEN

    Meetings in Gaucho Hall and via Zoom for convenience!
    Our meetings are currently virtual and easy to join from home. Get involved in the conversation and help make a difference in our Casa

    Link: https://zoom.us/j/94028559671?pwd=MDRmNTgzRnQ4dW9HbkNMVmxWYWtqQT09
    Meeting ID: 940 2855 9671
    Passcode: cgboosters

    • August 21, 2023                       • January 22, 2024
    • September 11, 2023                • February 12, 2024
    • October 16, 2023                     • March 11, 2024
    • November 13, 2023                 • April 15, 2024
    • December 11, 2023                 • May 13, 2024

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/casabooster/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cghsboosters/


    Request Booster Funds: Please fill out the CGHS Boosters Funding Request Form.



    All Casa Grande clothing is available any time of year!

    We have a variety of CASA SPIRIT GEAR to choose from: sweatshirts, t-shirts, cozy blankets, hats, and more!

    Visit our store at any of the home football games or check out our online store (link above).

  • Your Donations at WORK!

    CGHS Marquee
    Thank you CGHS Boosters supporters for our new marquee! It's not too late to join and support Boosters!

    marquee photo