• Innovation

Innovation SLC Directory

  • R-7
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • The Innovation cluster is a technology-driven, arts-infused, cross-curricular adventure where students learn the art of creativity, problem-solving skills, collaboration, and entrepreneurship.  Students will engage in core curriculum and electives centered around the world of design, marketing, business, ethics, graphic design, culinary arts, robotics, computer technology, and automotive technology. Students will engage core curriculum in a highly collaborative and experiential environment that fosters new ways of thinking, learning, and doing.

    Essential elements of an Innovation Cluster CLASSROOM: 

    A flexible and safe workspace, access to a wide range of tools and technology, prominent display of student work featuring celebrations of both project successes and failures, and a clear sign identifying the space as a place for Innovation.

    Essential elements of an Innovation Cluster PROJECT:

    Significant student voice and choice built into the planning or design of the project, partnerships with industry and community partners, ample time to collaborate and experiment, real-world relevance, and an assessment structure that values effort, perseverance, self, and peer evaluation, and portfolio presentation.

    Electives offered:

    • 3D Animation
    • 3D: Make
    • Automotive Repair Technology
    • Computer Graphic Design
    • Computer Science AP
    • Culinary Arts & Hospitality (odd yrs)
    • Culinary Arts Food Service Management (even yrs)
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Introduction to Computer Science 
    • Introduction to Robotics 

    Link to the CASA COLLECTIVE eCommerce

    View complete course descriptions in the Course Description Handbook.