• English Language Arts

    The English Department has a variety of courses to challenge and inspire students. All students are required to take four years of English. The English curriculum is a literature and informational text-based program that focuses on reading and writing while exposing all students to significant literary works and items of non-fiction. Strategies and instruction will guide students through a range of critical thinking processes as they study content and focus on aesthetic, ethical, and cultural issues. Each student will be encouraged to use analytical skills to reach an understanding of the texts and to establish connections between the content and his or her own life. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be integrated and language skills will be taught in meaningful contexts. The writing component to the English curriculum focuses on the writing process, moving through the writing stages with attention to fluency and content, as well as form and usage. Writing assignments complement the literature that is read and encourage the students' in-depth exploration of universal themes. Class selections include College Preparatory, Honors, and Advanced Placement courses. Grades 11 and 12 offer courses that align with the corresponding academic pathway each student has selected.

    Courses Offered:

    • English 9
    • English 9 Honors
    • English 10
    • English 10 Honors
    • English 11 iHouse (International House)
    • English 11 HCP (Health Careers Pathway)
    • English 11 Innovation
    • English 11 AP (Advanced Placement)
    • English 12 iHouse (International House)
    • English 12 HCP (Health Careers Pathway)
    • English 12 Innovation
    • English 12 AP (Advanced Placement)


    The English Department also offers beginning journalism, advanced journalism, and newspaper production as electives. Visit the Programs page to learn more.

    View complete course descriptions in the Course Description Handbook.

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