
  • There are 4 main costs for the season: Snacks, Meet Fees, Transportation, and Awards Night. I would like to have catered food again at awards night this year. I am estimating the budget for this season will be just under $1500 excluding transportation. The school suggests that families donate about $150 per sport, but please just donate what you can. The kids will appreciate it. Here is the link to making a donation for cross country.

    I left out transportation costs in the number above because of the new district plan to deal with bussing this year. They will pay for busses from a general athletics account, and are also requiring a $50 transportation fee from each athlete. This one is non-negotiable, and if you can’t pay it, please let me know ASAP so I can make sure to cover your fee. With this new system, I will be booking as many buses for meets as possible. I will include which meets have transportation included in the final meet schedule.

    Finally, a personal cost, but I am going to make a big plug for proper running shoes. All runners are different, from their running style to the way their joints interact, and thus a one-shoe-fits-all approach is almost as bad as not wearing shoes at all. We work on injury prevention all season, but all of it pales in comparison to some quality, well-suited running shoes. Please take your athlete to a running store and have them help you pick out a shoe. If you need help covering the cost, please let me know.

    Please make any checks payable to "Petaluma High School" and have your students deliver them to the Finance Window in the main hall.