• Link Crew

    Link Crew Vision 
    Engage and support our incoming freshmen class
    Develop student leaders
    Build a culture of support, inclusion, and positive energy at Petaluma High School

    The transition begins with Link Crew Leader visits and information getting out to the eighth graders and their parents in the spring. 

    Link Crew orientation is phenomenal! Students are welcomed and wow-ed. The orientation is a combination of opening and closing assemblies and a small group session of 10 students led by a Link Crew Leader. 

    Yearlong support
    The same Link Leader that led the new students on orientation day will provide social and academic support throughout the school year. Link Leaders are also trained to teach life skills lessons in freshman classrooms at various times during the year.

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  •  Link Crew is a Leadership training program.

    Petaluma High School juniors and seniors will be trained in team building activities, cooperative skill development, and discussion skills. Each of these Link Leaders then receives a list of ten freshmen to telephone and personally invite to the orientation, to work with at orientation, and to stay in touch with throughout the school year. They become leaders, motivators, role models, and teachers.

    Are you interested in being a link leader for the 24/25 school year?  Applications coming soon.