• Petaluma High School Counseling FAQs:

    • How do I meet with a counselor? 

      • Students - come by before school, break or after school. If your counselor is not available, scan the QR code or send an email. 

      • Parents - email or call to set up an appointment and have questions answered. And be sure to read our FAQs below to see if your question is on there! 

    • How to change a class? 

      • Students may request a change from one course to another through the first two weeks of school. Requests can be either approved or denied by school officials depending on circumstances. Year-long classes cannot be dropped during the semester. Additionally, AP and Honors classes are a year long commitment.  Please review the AP commitment form.

    • How to drop a class?

      • Meet with your counselor to discuss options, classes dropped after 6 weeks will receive an automatic Withdraw “F” on a student’s transcript. 

    • Repeating classes for Ds/Fs? 

      • If a student receives a D or F in a college prep (A-G) course, that course can be repeated to earn a higher grade for college eligibility. Options can be in class, online, or through outside programs/schools. Keep in mind that credit can only be given for the repeated course. Talk with your counselor for more information. 

    • Grading terms - progress grades versus semester grades. 

      • Progress grades are given every six weeks and are used to determine academic eligibility for athletics and work permits. Colleges do not see progress grades and these grades do not earn students credits. 

      • Semester grades are final and are posted on transcripts and are a part of a student’s permanent record. 

    • How to take a SRJC class? 

      • Learn more information here.

      • Please note that SRJC classes can be used for dual enrollment - meaning a student can earn both college and high school credits. A 1.5 unit class is equal to 5 high school credits. A 3 or 4 unit class is equal to 10 high school credits. Keep in mind that junior college classes go on a student’s permanent college record. Talk with your counselor about what classes are right for your student. 

    • What are A-G requirements & college prep classes? 

      • A-G requirements are the minimum requirements a student must meet to be eligible for a CSU or UC college. Students must receive grades of Cs or higher in all A-G coursework and it must be completed by a student’s senior year. College preparatory courses are designed for academically proficient students to prepare them for their post secondary education. For a current list of Petaluma High School’s approved A-G courses, visit the UC website

    • Earning credits/grade level designation 

      • Semester grades of A, B, C or D earn five credits. Grades of F do not award any credit and core courses must be repeated to earn credits. The following credits are recommended by the end of each school year:

        • Freshman: 60+ credits 

        • Sophomore: 120+ credits

        • Junior: 160+ credits

        • Senior: 220 credits needed for graduation 

    • How is GPA determined?

      • The GPA computation is based on a grading system of A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, and F = 0 points. Advanced Placement (AP) and some Honors courses earn a grade bump, A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 1. These courses are indicated with a + on the transcript. To calculate your GPA, add up your total number of points and divide by the number of classes you are enrolled in, for example: 

        • 3 As = 12 points

        • 2 Bs = 3 points 

        • 1 C = 2 points

        • Total = 17/6 (2.83 GPA)

    • When and how can a student have an off period? 

      • Students must be enrolled in a total of six classes during their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade year. In 12th grade, a student may have an off period if their credits are in good standing and must get permission from parent/guardian, counselor, and administrator. Seniors must be in at least five classes in the first semester, and at least four classes in the second semester. 

    • What are AP & Honors classes? 

      • Petaluma High School offers a wide variety of Advanced Placement and Honors courses. The courses are designed to help enrich a student’s learning experience and in the case of AP classes, gives the student a chance to earn college credits if they take (and pass) the AP exams given in the spring through the College Board. All AP classes receive a grade bump and certain Honors classes receive a grade bump as well. Students interested in taking multiple AP/Honors classes in the same school year are advised to talk with the teachers, parents, and their counselor on the rigor and time commitment of multiple courses as they are year long commitments. All students who meet course prerequisites shall have equal access to Advanced Placement courses.

    • How can I use a PE Waiver to be exempt from PE? 

      • Starting with their sophomore year, students can waive a semester of PE (to be replaced with elective credits) for each season of a PHS sport that they play. In order to apply for a waiver: 

        • Student athletes must have taken and passed physical education in grade 9 with a grade of “C” or better.

        • Student athletes must score in the “healthy fitness zone” in five of the six fitness areas tested in grade 9 as measured by the FITNESSGRAM.

        • Student athletes must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA (Total GPA), for each grading period during the period of exemption.

        • The exempted physical education course must be replaced with another course, which cannot be an unscheduled (free) period, and student athletes must maintain a full class load, during the period of exemption. Students may only replace the exempted physical education course with Independent Work Experience (IWE) under special circumstances with administrative approval.

        • For each full season of sport completed in grades 10 and/or 11, student athletes will be exempted from physical education for one semester.

        • During the annual course registration window, or upon new enrollment, a student athlete must notify his/her counselor of his/her intent to apply for a Physical Education Exemption Based on Interscholastic Athletic Program Participation, so that the student athlete is scheduled appropriately.

        • At the conclusion of each season of sport the student athlete must complete this application, which has been signed by the student athlete, and his/her parent/guardian. The athletic director will confirm completion of the season of sport and sign the application. Completed forms should be turned into the athletic secretary for review. 

    • Athletics 

      • Students that want to participate in athletics at PHS must complete medical clearance and must maintain a 2.0 GPA. 

    • NCAA 

      • Students considering participation in NCAA college level sports need to register with the NCAA clearinghouse to establish eligibility. It is recommended that they start this by the end of their sophomore year. For more information visit: https://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/ 

    • CAASPP/EAP: 

      • The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System will have a direct impact on the California State University's (CSU) Early Assessment Program (EAP).

      • The CAASPP test is used by community colleges and the CSU to determine readiness for college level coursework.  Students who do well on the CAASPP can avoid taking placement exams.

      • The EAP was developed by the CSU in collaboration with the California Department of Education (CDE) and the State Board of Education and is accepted by participating CCC campuses as well as the CSU. All grade eleven students who participate in the English and mathematics CAASPP examination will achieve a performance level that will be used for the EAP.

      • All students who are identified at achievement level 4 in English or Math are ready for college level work and can register in college bearing courses upon entering a CSU or California Community College. 

      • All students who are identified at achievement level 3 in English or Math are conditionally ready for college level work and will need to take an approved English class (ERWC, AP English 12 or outside college course) or Math class (Math Analysis Honors, AP Statistics, or AP Calculus) to be exempt from placement testing after admission to CSU. Upon completion of these courses with a “C” or higher, students can enroll in college level courses at CSU or CCC. 

    • AP Testing 

    • Should my student complete a four year plan?

      • Counselors are available to meet with students to develop their four year plans. These documents are made on Google documents so students have the opportunity to revise and revisit them.  It is recommended to review them each year during the course registration timeline (January-February). 

    • What are the PHS graduation requirements? 

      • English - 40 credits/4 years

      • Social Studies - 30 credits/3 years (World History, US History, and Gov/Econ) 

      • Math  - 20 credits/2 years  (must pass Math 1)

      • Science - 20 credits/2 years (10 credits of each; 1 Physical & 1 Biological)           

      • Math/Science Related - 10 credits/1 year (additional Math or Science class or a Math/Sci related class)

      • Physical Education  - 20 credits/2 years (PE 9 must be taken in 9th grade)

      • Foreign Lang/VPA/CTE - 10 credits/1year 

      • Human Interaction - 5 credits/1 semester (pairs with Intro to Business, taken in 9th grade) 

      • Electives - 65 credits 

      • TOTAL = 220 CREDITS

      • Fs = 0 credits

      • 1 semester = 5 credits & 1 year = 10 credits 

    • What are the A-G Requirements? 

      • These are the requirements for admission to CSU and UC schools. These are the minimum requirements for students to be eligible for schools in the CSU and UC system. Please note that it is recommended to go above and beyond. Ds and Fs are not accepted. 

        • History/Social Science  - 2 years required

        • English – 4 years required

        • Mathematics – 3 years required, 4 years recommended (minimum through Math 3)

        • Laboratory Science – 2 years required, 3 years recommended (1 Physical, 1 Biological) 

        • Language Other than English – 2 years required, 3 years recommended (must be same language)

        • Visual & Performing Arts – 1 year required

        • College Prep Elective – 1 year required

    • What is the Petaluma High School code?

      • 052460

    • Financial Aid 

      • All seniors are required to apply for financial aid through FAFSA or CA Dream Act (undocumented students) for scholarships, grants, work study, and loans. PHS offers a financial aid night every year for students and their families. 10,000 Degrees and the College & Career center also offer additional support. 

    • Transcripts 

    • What is the NHS?

      • The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Membership is based on the previous semester’s grades and discipline record. Membership is for one semester only.  You must reapply each semester!

      • How do I become a member?

        • To join National Honor society at Petaluma High School you must meet the following criteria:

      • Have a GPA of 3.0 for the semester.

      • Have no suspensions or discipline contracts active during the semester.

      • Be prepared to complete 10 hours of community service during the upcoming semester.

    • What is CSF?

      •  https://www.petalumacityschools.org/domain/2342 

      • Students can start applying to be a member of CSF in their sophomore year. Previous semester grades determine membership. Applications must be completed in the first 4 weeks of each semester. 

      • The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is a state-wide organization that honors outstanding high school students.  The purposes of CSF are to foster a high standard of scholarship and to give recognition to academic excellence.  Membership is based on the previous semester’s grades in specific required courses. Membership is  for one semester only.  You must reapply each semester!

      • Life membership (seal bearer status) is awarded to students who have qualified and joined CSF for 4 semesters during the 10th -12th grades, including one semester in the senior year.  At graduation, life members receive an honorary gold cord, CSF pin, CSF certificate, & the CSF seal on their diploma with recognition on their transcript. 100% members must have qualified and become a CSF member for all six semesters during grades 10-12.  In addition to the seal bearer awards, 100% members receive a gold tassel to wear at graduation.

      • How do I become a member? To qualify, the student must have at least 10 points, A’s counting 3 points, B’s one point, and C’s no points.  (A’s & B’s in honor classes receive 1 extra point – 2 points maximum).  D’s and F’s disqualify a student from membership.  There is a list of qualifying classes on the back of the application form. PE or IWE grades do not count.  Second semester freshmen and first semester sophomores may become Associate Members with full membership privileges, but this membership does not count towards the awards.


    • Alternative High Schools:

      • If a student finds that PHS is not the right fit for them, they should meet with their counselor to discuss options. In Petaluma City Schools, alternative high schools are: Carpe Diem HS, Sonoma Mountain HS, Valley Oaks HS, and San Antonio HS. Once a student discusses with their counselor and their parents, the student should make an appointment to meet with the principal of that high school.  Transition meetings where transfers are approved or denied happen once a month. 

    • Community Service: 

      • Eight (8) hours of community service are required for freshmen taking human interaction. Students that complete 100+ hours of community service in high school will be recognized at graduation. See college and career center for more information.

    • Work Permits: 

      • All students under age 18 must have a valid work permit to be employed (including vacations and summer break). Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Work permits are issued for one year and expire every August. Work permits may be revoked at any time if attendance and graduation requirements are not being met. 

    • Golden State Seal Merit:

      • To be eligible to receive the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma upon graduation, students shall complete all requirements for a high school diploma and shall demonstrate a mastery of at least six subject areas, four of which shall be mathematics, English language arts, science and United States history, with the remaining two subject areas selected by the student. 

    • California State Seal of Biliteracy

      • The State Seal of Biliteracy will be awarded to graduating seniors from Petaluma High School who have mastered standard academic English and another language.

      • Complete high school graduation requirements, including English language arts requirements, with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above in those classes.

      • Pass the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English language arts administered in grade 11 at the proficient level or above.

      • Demonstrate proficiency in one or more languages other than English (includes American Sign Language) through one of the following methods:

      • Pass a world language Advanced Placement examination with a score of 3 or higher.

      • Complete a four year high school course of study in a world language and attain an overall grade point average of 3.0 or above in that course of study, and oral proficiency in the language comparable to that required to pass an AP examination.

      • Pass the SAT II foreign language examination with a score of 600 or higher.

    • How do I get my child assessed for a learning disability? 

      • This process begins with a Student Study Team (SST) meeting to discuss concerns and identify strategies for success. Your student’s counselor will coordinate the meeting, which will include the parent/guardian, student, teachers, and at times, an administrator. A plan will be put into place and reviewed after 6 weeks. If the identified strategies are not helping and there are still concerns, the School Psychologist will look into whether a Special Education Evaluation is the appropriate next step.

    • Difference Between a 504 plan and IEP? 

      • 504 Plan: is for a student with a documented disabling condition which impacts their access to education. A meeting is held to determine eligibility and develop specific accommodations to support your student in the classroom. 

      • IEP: An Individualized Education Plan is for students with demonstrated learning differences. Qualification for an IEP is determined after a student is assessed in multiple domains by a school psychologist and resource specialist teacher. Students who qualify receive extra support for their learning difference, which includes a period of study skills (elective) and a case manager, who oversees their IEP and progress. It could also include additional services such as speech & language support, classes with specialized instruction, mental health services, and a behavior plan.