• AP and Honors Information

    Students— are you interested in taking AP or Honors classes at Petaluma High School? For more information, please attend AP & Honors Night on Thursday, February 29th at 5:30 pm. The schedule is available here. Please note that AP and Honors classes are a year-long commitment and cannot be dropped during the school year. Most classes do have a summer assignment. Be sure to check in with the appropriate teacher for the work. Here is a link to all the AP/Honors classes planned for next school year and Google Classroom info, summer assignments, etc. The AP/Honors Commitment Form to the counseling office is due Friday, March 8th.

    Below is a list of all AP/Honors classes at PHS.


    • Honors English 9 Non-Weighted (9th)
    • Honors English 10 Non-Weighted (10th)
    • AP Language & Composition (11th)          
    • AP Literature & Composition (12th)                                           


    • AP Spanish Language & Culture 
    • AP Spanish Literature & Culture 
    • AP French Language & Culture 


    • Honors Biology Non-Weighted (9th-10th)
    • Honors Chemistry (10th-12th)                   
    • AP Environmental Science (11th-12th)
    • AP Physics (11th-12th)                                                          


    • Honors World History (10th)
    • AP US History (11th)
    • American Government AP (12th)
    • AP Macroeconomics (12th)


    • AP Pre Calculus (11th-12th)
    • AP Statistics (11th-12th )
    • AP Calculus A/B (11th-12th)
    • AP Calculus B/C (11th-12th)                                                            


    • AP Computer Science A (10th-12th)
    • AP Computer Science Principles (10th-12th)
    • AP Psychology (11th-12th)
    • AP Art 

    Every spring, there are informational meetings for students who are interested in taking AP and Honors courses.  The dates are announced in the classrooms and in the daily bulletin.  Teachers outline their criteria for applying for the course, which typically includes a review of their report card, a recommendation from a current teacher who can speak to their work habits and abilities, and sometimes, a test or an essay. In some, but not all classes, there will be a summer assignment.

    Students must sign a contract before enrolling in AP/Honors classes and must return to their counselor. Students are expected to remain in their AP/Honors courses for the entire school year. If students have issues, they should work directly with their teacher for help.

    Students and parents should be aware of how the AP test score will be applied at a specific university.  Scores of 3, 4, or 5 are the standard for many colleges to award credit to an incoming student.  However, the accepted score can vary at selected universities.  Please check with the university you will be applying to in regards to how they will award AP credit. CollegeBoard AP Credit Policy Search

    The University of California will award one point per semester for designated AP and Honors courses, up to a maximum of 8 points, when a student is applying to a UC school: UC A-G Policy Resource Guide