
  • Thank you for supporting the Cross Country program here at Petaluma High School. If you are available to volunteer your time and/or services, here are the greatest needs: Transportation Coordinator, Snack Coordinator, Canopy Overseer, and Booster Meeting Representatives.

    For any weekday meets, the athletes will take a bus to and from the meet. If you wish to take your athlete home, all I need is an email from the adult driver letting me know which children they are taking. On weekends, students will need to find a ride there. Thus, I am in need of a Transportation Coordinator to make sure we have enough parent volunteers to drive the athletes to and from the meet location, and that everyone knows when and where to meet.

    For all meets, kids get hungry. Last season, parents kind of brought what they wanted and we ended up with more than enough each meet! Hopefully this season is no different, but I still would like a Snack Coordinator to make sure we bring what we need so athletes can regulate their energy levels at the meet.

    For weekend meets, we are often in the sun for the bulk of the morning, and it is really nice to have a canopy as shelter and to mark our space. I need someone to be responsible to make sure it travels to the meets and back efficiently.

    Finally, this is a new one, but I desperately need volunteers to represent the team at the monthly booster meetings. They are generally the third Monday of each month at 7pm.

    Thank you again for your ongoing support. See you at the Parent Information night on Thursday, August 13th at 6:00 pm in room F8.

    Please email me at jfranklin@petk12.org if one of these is a job for you!