Statistics for Valley Vista

  • 9 acre campus

    11 classrooms

    Library, multi-use room, cafeteria, child care, counseling offices, RSP classroom, Speech room

    1/2 acre of gardens plus two outdoor classrooms

    Field, blacktop and play structure for both upper and lower playgrounds as well as TK & Kinder

Kids playing on the blacktop
  • 235 students TK-6th grade

    20% English Learner

    41% Free/Reduced Lunch

    14 years average experience among teachers

    3rd year IB Candidate School

    1 Reading Specialist

    1 Bilingual Resource Teacher

    1 part-time Guidance Counselor

    1 part-time Library Coordinator

    1 South County Consortium Classroom (Therapeutic Support)

    1 North Bay Children's Center Preschool

    2 Garden Enrichment Educators