• Why Choose Valley Vista?

    We love our school and have highlighted a few aspects of it below. Feel free to roam around the rest of our website to find out even more!

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  • Inquiry-based instruction focused on student choice and action

    We believe that when students ask questions, they open up to better, deeper learning.  Our teachers know their grade level standards and design units that allow for student interest and wondering to fit right in!  If we're talking about animals that use camouflage and we have a student wondering about lizards... let's learn about lizards that use camouflage!  Why not!?  We also value DOING something with our learning.  Service project? Sharing with our buddy class?  Presenting at our weekly assembly?  Who would benefit from what we've learned?  Let's share!

  • About Valley Vista

    With 189 combined years of teaching experience, Valley Vista staff serves our students from Transitional Kindergarten (TK) all the way to 6th-grade. We aim to address the needs of each unique learner in everything from hands-on science to music and art to creative play. Our school garden and outdoor learning spaces provide students with the chance to learn in different ways and explore the world around them. Valley Vista has proudly served Petaluma students for the last 64 with learning, laughter, and fun!


    Here's what parents & students have to say about Valley Vista

    "Valley Vista is such a gem of a school and we've been so happy there since starting 5 years ago. First and foremost, I didn't realize what a blessing it would be (in this town especially) to be able to send my children to our neighborhood school. Walking in the morning (on the occasions that we can) and to pick-up at night, has become a nice treat. To have the little chunk of time to slow down and talk about what's going on in our lives and get an upload of everybody's day has been a sweet addition to our lives." - 4th-grade parent

    "I think that many things make Valley Vista special because I love dance, P.E., my principal, math, my friends and finally my teacher." -4th-grade student

    "Valley Vista is special because there is a lot of caring and helping people."  -5th-grade student

    "VV is special because I learn math and I like learning math. Math makes me feel happy." -1st-grade student

    "The garden really makes the school special." -6th-grade student

    "I like my school because I want to be here." -Kinder student