Global School Play Day

  • Dr. Peter Gray suggests that unstructured play is the cornerstone of human development and social growth.  We agree.  While baseball, ballet and karate are wonderful pastimes, they are led by adults.  We wanted to honor choice and undirected play so we jumped into Global School Play Day. 1st through 6th graders got the lay of the land and set about playing with any aged friends, sticking with one activity or flitting about as they preferred.  It was a wonderful experience for everyone.  Take a peek at the video: play dough, jungle gym play, the art room, the creation station, jump rope, flag football, playing jacks and checkers and reading in the library.  Here's the link to Dr. Gray's TED talk for more.


    Valley Vista has participated in GSPD since 2018.  It's a highlight of the year for our students and staff.