McKinley Attendance Line

  • ATTENDANCE LINE (707) 766-8337

    Regular attendance at school is essential so that your child can derive full benefit from the instructional program. Should your child be absent for any reason, please call McKinley School’s absence line (766-8337) and leave a message stating why your child is absent. State aid is based on daily attendance of each child. The schools are dependent on state aid, since the funds help in the purchase of instructional materials, books, supplies and other operations.

    Students in all Petaluma City Schools are expected to be in school every day that their health permits and in class when the bell rings. When a student has had 14 verified absences in the school year, any further absences for illness must be verified by a physician or they become unexcused absences. California Education Code Section 48260 declares a student as truant when they have three unexcused absences, three tardies in excess of thirty minutes, or any combination of the two. Students who are declared truant three times in a given school year may be declared a habitual truant. Students who are truant and those with excessive tardies will be referred to the District School Attendance Review Board.

    An independent study contract can be arranged for anticipated extended absences. Well before the date, please notify the office and your child’s teacher if you anticipate such an absence (for 5 or more days) and wish to arrange appropriate study.

    If you are going to be gone for 5 or more consecutive days, you are eligible to sign up for independent study. Each school has an independent study coordinator that can assist you. Only completed independent study packets receive full attendance credit.

    PLEASE NOTE: At non-charter schools, Independent study is only available for absences of 5 days or more. At charter schools, Independent study is available for shorter absences. For questions, please contact your independent study coordinator. All short-term absences, when not on independent study, even excused absences, penalizes the school at a rate of $50-$55 per student, per day.

    Our #1 reason for absences are for short-term vacations and days missed for appointments, not for student illness.

     The District gets funding for any portion of a day a student is in attendance. If your child arrives late, check in at the Office and your child will be counted. As long as your child attends at least part of the school day, the school will receive full funding. 

     We are asking all families to make attendance a priority for next year. Our programs depend on it! Thank you!

Excusing Absences through ParentSquare