• About Us

    All you need to know about the library staff, how to contact us, and what we're doing! 

  • Staff

    Mrs. Britten
    ​Teacher Librarian 

    Picture of Mrs. Britten

    Mrs. Britten has worked in all different kinds of educational settings. She holds teaching credentials from Sonoma State in multiple subjects and foundational science, and taught 6th grade for 4 years. She has worked for outdoor education centers, and developed and taught STEM based summer camps across the bay area. For four years, she worked with the Sonoma County Public Library while she finished her Masters in Library Science and Teacher Librarian credential at San Jose State. This is her third year at PHS, and she is also our freshman orientation Link Crew Coordinator. In her free time, Mrs. Britten loves reading cookbooks and developing new recipes, hiking and getting outdoors, and enjoying all things sci-fi! 

  • Mrs. Teagarden
    ​Library Assistant  

    Mrs.Teagarden has a B.A. in communications and began her career in media sales for a national TV and radio rep firm as well as working for Turner Broadcasting that included CNN.  She eventually had 3 children and had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. All 3 of her children attended Petaluma City Schools and graduated from PHS. When her children were young she was a regular volunteer at the Grant School library. In recent years she worked part time at the PJHS library eventually coming over to our PHS library during the 2016/17 school year. Mrs. Teagarden loves helping students!  In her free time she enjoys boating, hiking, cooking, and of course reading! 

  • Library Use Calendar

    Please check the calendar for availability, then email the library to sign up.

    Library Use Calendar

  • Hours
    Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm

    Please note that we are not an A+ destination


    • Book checkouts are for 20 school days. 
    •  We have computers and textbooks available for in-library use ONLY. 
    •  Printing is 10 cents/page for black & white and 50 cents/page for color. 
    • 3D printing is available for classes and clubs: 3D print request form
    • Poster printing is available for clubs and student activities only: Poster Print request form
  • Petaluma High School Library
  • @phs_trojanlibrary