Clothing Expectations


    McNear School is an educational institution. A neat, clean appearance supports appropriate behavior and academic success. We expect students to dress accordingly. Any clothing that interferes with the business of teaching or learning is unacceptable. We ask that parents familiarize themselves with Board Policy (5132), which is available online at  For health and safety purposes, we ask that students wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather, including jackets for cold days.  Students must change improper attire for an appropriate item of clothing to wear at school that day, or parents will be contacted to bring a change of clothing to school. Disciplinary action may occur for repeated violation. 


    • Students are not allowed to wear buttons, T-shirts or other types of attire, or display school supplies, which include vulgar language, obscenities, insults, or which promote alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or violent behavior. Words or pictures on clothing, school supplies (including backpacks) or hats, which are obscene, sexually suggestive, demeaning to other cultures or drug or gang-related are inappropriate and not allowed at school. 

    • Discriminatory or harassing messages directed at individuals or groups on the basis of personal characteristics or status is not permitted.

    • Clothing that exposes parts of the body (e.g., bare torsos, belly-buttons, see-through clothing, short shorts or skirts (they must be mid-thigh or longer), low cut armholes, strapless dresses or clothing with major holes or tears is considered to be improper dress. The wearing of short shorts over stocking, hoses, or sheer tights is not allowed. 

    • Strapless, spaghetti strap, or racer-back tops are not permitted.

    • Ill-fitting clothing (e.g., excessive bagginess or tightness, oversized shirts, etc.) is not allowed at school. Pants must be worn at or above the hip bone.  Baggy pants are not allowed in our learning environment. 

    • Undergarments (briefs, bra straps, etc.) should not be exposed.

    • Shoes must be worn at all times.  Flip-flops or thongs are not allowed.

    • Attire, accessories, materials, or grooming reasonably identified as gang related through conspicuous display of colors, symbol, tags, statements, or style is not allowed. (These items may include, but are not limited to, wallet chains, bandanas, specially printed t-shirts and hats, red or blue shoe laces.)  

    • Hats are allowed on campus but hats must be taken off when entering a building. 

    • Pajamas are not to be worn at school except for spirit days when such dress is allowed.

    Any item not listed which poses a threat to student safety or to a positive educational environment may be disallowed at the discretion of the administration.