Garden Education at McNear


    Gathering  Tomatoes  Helping

    Restorying the Landscape: An Arts-Based Approach to a Schoolyard Habitat Restoration ProjectRestorying the Landscape: An Arts-Based Approach to a Schoolyard Habitat Restoration Project



    McNear has an active Garden Education program with a dedicated garden teacher.

    McNear students receive bi-montly study in the garden which uses NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) to complement the classroom science curriculum. Curriculum is art based and focused on environmental literacy.

    Topics of study include: 
    Soil - Study of our Earth
    Plant and Flower Anatomy
    Seed Dissection
    Weather and Climate Change
    Nutrition and Healthy Eating
    Students also learn the importance of stewardship and are active in the care of the garden. They weed, plant, water and harvest from the 11 raised beds planted with an impressive variety of produce. Students are able to forage and eat from the garden throughout thier sessions.
    The garden thrives all year round with the help of The Garden Committee which is run by our amazing parent-volunteers. They are involved in a number of activities throughout the school year including Garden Workdays and Habitat Garden Development. To get involved, contact Catherine Sky at
    Garden funds are supported by the McNear PTA.