• YMCA Before and After School Childcare

    Childcare at McNear is offered by the YMCA. For more information go to the YMCA childcare page or call (707) 545-9622.

    Program Philosophy

    At the YMCA Preschool and school-age Child Care program, we seek to expand children’s potential by providing a supportive, safe, creative, fun environment in which they can develop socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally.

    Our program objectives are:

    1. To provide a program of creative, appealing learning experiences for children through supervised recreational activities.
    2. To provide an opportunity for the child’s development of self-confidence and a foundation for socialization skills.
    3. To create an environment that fosters opportunities for the development of the child in the areas of:
      1. Health and Nutrition
      2. Physical Education
      3. Skills Development
      4. Interpersonal Relationships
      5. Self-Awareness and Confidence
      6. Self-Sufficiency
      7. Academic Skills
    4. To provide opportunities for children to develop an understanding of self and others and to develop social skills in a warm, positive, respectful and supportive environment.
    5. To support and strengthen the family by providing opportunities for families to share experiences and values, and to broaden their sense of community with other families.
    6. Our goal is to meet the needs of families by offering safe, accessible and affordable programs.

    Asset Development

    The more assets young people have, the more likely they will grow up to be caring, competent, responsible adults. The more assets youth have, the better their chances for contributing to society and finding a meaningful purpose in life.

    On average, young people with more assets engage in fewer negative, high-risk behaviors such as using drugs and alcohol or having premarital sex.

    They exhibit more positive behaviors such as succeeding in school, assuming leadership roles and valuing diversity, as well as demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges, stresses and difficult situations

    Here are some examples of how the Sonoma County Family YMCA continues to help broaden a young person's experiences and build assets:99% of YMCA youth have support from an adult other than their own parents

    • 99% of YMCA youth value honesty and begin to act accordingly
    • 98% of YMCA youth report having high self-esteem
    • 97% of YMCA youth are read to at least 30 minutes per day
    • 96% of YMCA youth show interest in making the community a better place

    YMCA National Initiatives

    Abundant Assets Alliance

    Strengthening the capacity of YMCAs and their communities to provide young people with the support and experiences they need to become healthy, caring and competent adults. 

    YMCA of the USA, YMCA Canada, and Search Institute combined their vast experience and resources to develop a holistic, systematic approach to improving young people's lives that involves the entire community. The Alliance was formally established in 2001, but YMCAs have been building assets since the Y movement was founded.

    Diversity Initiative

    Practicing inclusion by valuing the diversity of all people within YMCA associations and their communities. 

    In the late 1990s, the North American Urban Group of YMCAs began exploring ways for associations to become more culturally competent and inclusive. They formed a 12-person task force to assess cultures within YMCAs and make recommendations for improvement. The work of the task force built the foundation for today's YMCA National Diversity 

    Childcare Site Fee Structure
    Parent Handbook