• Requirements & General Information

    PHS Mission Statement

    The mission of Petaluma High School is to provide a student-centered academic and vocational curriculum that fosters responsibility, citizenship, communication, respect for others and for the world in which we live, and a lifelong interest in learning. The school will provide a safe and orderly learning environment with an exciting and challenging curriculum offering subjects that develop skills, thinking, and a commitment to learning. Essential to our program are a strong staff, administrative leadership, current textbooks, iPads for each student, sufficient materials and equipment, strong guidance/counseling services, regularly scheduled student activities, and a wide range of extracurricular programs, encouraging student participation. We will work to foster open communication among students, staff, and parents about the effectiveness of our program.

  • Graduation Requirements
    Each semester course earns 5 credits.
    A year equals 10 credits.
    Fs = 0 credits
    A total of 220 credits are required for graduation.
    ENGLISH: Four years (40 credits)
    Ten credits earned each year
    MATHTwo years (20 credits)
    These must be selected from Math Department courses only. Math 1 is the minimum level that students must pass.
    SCIENCE: Two years (20 credits)
    One life science and one physical science are required for graduation.  Students are recommended to take Physical Science 9th grade followed by Biology (College Prep Biology, Biology & Community Health (BCH) or Honors Biology) in 10th grade.
    One year (10 credits)
    Course may be selected from the Math or Science departments or from Accounting, Intro to Engineering, Construction, Auto, Man Tech Metals, Ag Mechanics, Ag Welding, Vet Medicine, or Wildlife Management.
    Two years (20 credits)
    One year is required in ninth grade and one year is generally completed in 10th grade.
    SOCIAL SCIENCEThree years (30 credits)
    World History is taken in tenth grade, US History is taken in 
    11th grade, Government/Economics is taken in 12th grade.
    One year (10 credits)
    Student may select a World Language, Art, Drama, second year Metalworking, Architectural Design, Photography, Film Making, Yearbook, Graphic Design, 3D Animation, Chamber Choir, or Band.
    HUMAN INTERACTIONOne semester (5 credits)
    This course is taken in the ninth grade.
    ELECTIVES(65 credits)
    These may be selected from other courses of your choice.
    Policy On Changing Schedules
    A student may request to change his or her schedule within the first two weeks of the semester if there is room in the new class. Requests should be made to the Counselor. After the sixth week of the semester students dropping a course will receive a Withdrawal - F grade.
    Academic Eligibility
    Incoming ninth-grade students are eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities during the first grading period if they have a 2.0 GPA from a junior high. Continued eligibility is determined at the end of each grading period. A student must have a 2.0 GPA to be eligible for activities for the next grading period.
    College Entrance Requirements
    The University of California and the California State Universities only accept the certified college preparatory academic courses to meet their entrance requirements. These courses are indicated in the catalog by a P preceding the title. Course descriptions will also indicate which subject area is met for UC/CSU approval. Students taking college preparatory courses will be expected to maintain a grade of C or better in order to continue course work at the next college preparatory level.
    University of California (UC) 
    California State University (CSU) 
    1. History/Social Science: Two years required. One year of United States History, one year of World History/Geography.
    2. English Composition/Literature: Four years required that include frequent regular writing and reading of classic and modern literature, poetry, and drama. Maximum of one year in the 9th grade allowed. 
    3. Mathematics: Three years of mathematics required, four recommended. For class of 2020 and beyond Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, required. Math Analysis Honors is recommended. For earlier classes Algebra, Geometry, and Intermediate Algebra required. Math Analysis Honors is recommended.  
    4. Laboratory Science: Two years required, three recommended. CSU requires one lab physical science and one lab life science. CSU will accept 9th-grade physical science and 10th-grade biology. UC requires 2 of the following: Biology Chemistry, Physics.
    5. World Language: Two years of world language required; three recommended
    6. Visual and Performing Arts: One year of a class in either dance, drama/theater, music or visual arts. 
    7. College Preparatory elective course: one year from one of the a-f subject areas or approved g courses. 

     The grades you earn in the a – g subjects taken in the tenth and eleventh grades are the grades the colleges will use to calculate your grade point average for admission. It will take 15 units of high school work to fulfill the Subject Requirements. At least 7 of the 15 units must have been earned in courses taken during the last two years of high school. SAT Reasoning or ACT are required for admission to a UC or CSU. SAT subject tests may be required for specific majors.  The Counseling Office has test dates and registration material.    

  •  9th Grade Requirements
    All students must take 6 classes. 9th grade students may 
    request an additional zero period class.
         English 9                     
          English 9 Honors          
         ELD 1-4                  
         Physical Science
         Sustainable Agriculture
         Honors Biology
         Biology & Community Health (BCH)
         Math 1                                  
         Math 2  
         INTRO TO BUSINESS                                      
         FULL YEAR ELECTIVE           
         See offerings in the
         Course Description section
          Physical Education 9
    10th Grade Requirements
    All students must take 6 classes. 10th grade students may 
    request an additional zero period class.
         English 10                   
          English 10 Honors    
         ELD 1-4 
         Sustainable Agriculture
         Honors Biology
         Ag & Soil Chemistry
         Honors Chemistry
         Chemistry & Community Health
           Math 2                       
          Math 3
          Math 3E Honors    
          World History
          AP World History   
          See offerings in the 
          Course Description section         
          PHYSICAL EDUCATION        
          Physical Education 10            
          Strength and Conditioning       
    Honors and Advanced Placement
    The Honors and Advanced Placement Program is the result of the school's commitment to strong academic standards. This program enhances the quality of the curriculum and allows faculty to teach demanding courses to capable, highly motivated students.
    Honors/AP courses make substantial academic demands on students that will require considerable outside reading and other assignments. Students taking two or three Honors/AP classes 
    may need to reduce extracurricular activities in order to maintain 
    a successful level of achievement. In these courses students 
    must demonstrate intellectual and analytical skills, writing ability, and self discipline. Grades in Honors/AP courses are weighted 
    with the exception of Honors English 9 & 10, and Honors Biology. Courses are offered in English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, Art, and World Languages.
    PHS has an open access policy for Honors/AP classes and encourages students to make the choice with full understanding that it may not be possible to change your selection once made.
    Be sure to attend all informational meetings when making your decision. 
  • 11th Grade Requirements
    All students must take 6 classes. 11th grades students may request an additional zero period class for a 7 period day or a minimum day in conjunction with a zero period for an off period.
        American Literature                    
        AP English Language                  
        ELD 4
        Ag & Soil Chemistry
        Honors Chemistry
        Chemistry & Community Health
        AP Chemistry II
        AP Physics I
        AP Biology II
        Anatomy & Physiology
        Marine Sciences
        AP Environmental Science
        Ag & Natural Resources
        Wildlife Management
        Veterinary Science
         Math 2
          Math 3
          Math 3E Honors
          AP Statistics
          Business Math
          Construction Tech
          Ag Mechanics
          Ag Welding
          Intro to Engineering
          Intro to Computer Science
          AP Computer Science 
           US History
           AP US History   
           See offerings in the Course
            Description Section                 
    12th Grade Requirements
    12th grade students must take no less than 5 classes. This can 
    be combined with a zero period and minimum days.
        (Expository Reading & Writing)             
        AP English Literature                            
        ELD 4     
        AP Government
        AP Economics
        Ag Gov/Econ                                          
    Academic Recognition
    Petaluma High School Honor Roll: 
    students must have earn a 3.0 GPA with no D's or F's
    California Scholarship Federation (CSF):
    students may apply to CSF at the semester. Please contact Mrs. Granger for qualifying classes and entrance requirements
    Top Ten:
    Ranking is based on grades for 200 credits earned through the first semester of senior year. The rating system is on a 4-point scale except  for Honors/AP courses (with the exception of Honors English 9 & 10, and Honors Biology) which will be on a 5-point scale. The Top Ten ranking in lower grades will follow the same system as for grade 12, but will be based on 90 credits for grade 
    10 and 150 credits for grade 11. Based on the 200 units calculated. grades of B or lower will be included. Refer to School Board Policy 5121 for more information.