• Attendance

    Absences and tardies, no matter the reason (sick, appointments, late bus or ride), will impact your opportunity to earn credits. If you have anything on your attendance record other than a "P" (for present), it will count towards a loss of credit. There are 6 grading periods in a school year. The following chart is an example of how absences can affect credits earned. 

    Number of Absences

    Student is enrolled in 6 classes for 28 days = 2.3 credits (2.3 credits x 6 classes = 13.8 credits)

    Perfect attendance in all classes          

    13.8 total credits
    No credit 2 days 12.9 total credits
    No credit 4 days 11.9 total credits
    No credit 6 days 10.9 total credits
    No credit 8 days 9.9 total credits
    No credit 10 days 8.9 total credits

Excusing Absences through ParentSquare