• Dress Code

    • Appropriate attire contributes to a positive learning and working environment. Standards are routinely established at school and at work. We appreciate cooperation from each family in helping to maintain appropriate standards of appearance. 

      The following guidelines apply whenever students are at school or a school activity: 

      • Any extremely tight or revealing clothing (including apparel with exposed midriffs, strapless shoulders, halter tops or low cut necklines) is not appropriate. Undergarments must not be visible. 
      • Inappropriate words, symbols, or pictures are not permitted on clothing, hats, book bags, binders, or skin. This includes items/words that are obscene, profane, pornographic, disparaging or demeaning to others (i.e. racial, religious, sexist, or ethnic slurs; sexual innuendo)
      • Inappropriate words, symbols, or pictures advocating pain, death, violence, suicide or the use of drugs/alcohol. Symbols or words depicting cigarettes, beer, marijuana, etc. are not permitted. 
      • For reasons of safety, shoes must be worn at all times. 
      • Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the classroom. 
      • Students may use the hoods on their clothes only when outdoors. 
      • Clothing that creates a sense of intimidation or is gang or cult-affiliated is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, oversized and sagging pants, hanging belts, chains, and gang-related initials or symbols. 
      • Pajamas and slippers are not appropriate attire for school. 
      • Pants must be worn at the waist, not sagging. Pants should fit the student, and may not be extremely tight or loose. 

      Students who fail to follow guidelines will be asked to: 

      • Change their clothing 
      • Cover inappropriate clothing 
      • Stay inside
      • Repeated infractions may lead to being sent home