• High School (9-12 Grades)

    Welcome to enrollment & registration for the 2024-25 school year! This is a great time of year to attend campus tours to learn about the many programs, electives, and offerings we have for students at both Casa Grande High School and Petaluma High School.

    If your student attends one of the following schools, counselors from our high schools will come to your child's school to discuss registration in early 2024. Additionally, if your child attends one of the schools below, you do not need to enroll your child for the 2024-25 school year as PCS students are automatically pre-enrolled.

    • Kenilworth Junior High
    • Petaluma Junior High
    • Mary Collins School at Cherry Valley
    • Petaluma Accelerated Charter

    If your student does not attend one of the schools above, please continue to our easy enrollment steps below. If you have any questions throughout the process, please contact the registrar at the high school of your choice for information on the required paperwork and next steps.

  • 4 Easy Steps to Enrollment!

    1) Find a School

    1 Find icon with magnifying glass image

    • Identify your school of residence using the resources on the Find Your School page. If you are registering for a school outside of your school of residence, you must complete and return a transfer form. Find out more about transfers and download the forms on our District Transfer Page. You can also contact your school of choice to help confirm your school/district of residence. 
    • During the application process, you will have a chance to select up to three schools and rank them in your preferred order. 
    • Take a tour or attend an information night.
  • 2) Apply

    2 Apply icon with hand holding phone image

    • Complete this registration form (English/Spanish) and return it to the school registrar. (PHS: Chris Stoll cstoll@petk12.org or Casa Grande HS: Grete Hansen ghansen@petk12.org)
    • During the registration process, you will need the following documents in order to complete your student's registration:
  • 3) Confirm & 4) Register

    3 and 4 icon with image of device and message bubble, and school building

    1. Wait to hear from one of our registrars.
    2. Work with your school site to finish registration.
    3. Once all paperwork is turned in, you're all set for the upcoming school year!

High School Enrollment Staff

Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"