• Employee Absence Reporting

    Absences can be reported online with Frontline Absence Management (formerly Aesop)

    24-Hour Certificated Substitute Line 1-800-942-3767

    Employee Introduction to Absence Management
    Employee Quick Start Guide

    All Petaluma City Schools employees that obtain a substitute when they are absent must use Frontline Absence Management (formerly Aesop), to report absences.

    If you are a Teacher, Instructional Assistant Full Inclusion, Instructional Assistant Special Education (1:1 Assistants, RSP at McDowell/McKinley, SDC at McDowell/McKinley), Instructional Assistant Special Education (South County Consortium), Senior School Secretary, Student Records Clerk, the Absence Management system will also be used to secure a substitute for you.  All other employees must report their absences via a PB-8 (Report of Absence of Personnel).

    With Absence Management, you can do the following:

    • Create an absence online
    • Create an absence over the phone
    • Cancel an absence
    • Attach a lesson plan or classroom needs to an absence
    • Select your preferred substitutes
    • Assign a substitute to your absence
    • Access user guides and training videos


    Contact Ursula Perez Lopez, Human Resources Specialist, at uperezlopez@petk12.org or (707) 778-4609.