• Tours of Our Campus

    Welcome!  We are so glad that you are interested in our school!  We would love to give you a tour of our small campus to help you understand who we are and to give you a feel for what it is like here.  We know how important this step is.

    We would like you first to come to one of our monthly Informational Meetings so that your tour will not be focused on answering too many questions.  Please email or call our school secretary (Angelina Romano aromano@petk12.org) to put yourself on the next Informational Meeting invite list.

    Please come to the Informational Meeting prepared with your questions by studying the of wealth information on our website.  Once our secretary knows that you have attended an Informational Meeting and have had your burning questions answered, please call her to schedule your tour.  Short tours of our small campus will be with one of our teachers.  Below is a list of things that will be covered in your tour! 😃

    Thank you for your interest!

Photo of Valley Oaks staff holding welcome banner
  • A brief tour includes:   

    • Out front: Who our unique neighbors are
    • Our counselor and principal offices
    • Where our office is located & where students sign in and sign out
    • Building #1’s
      • Teacher offices
      • Computer lab with internet and printer
      • Work tables
      • Science lab
      • Science fair winners display
      • The Valley Oaks School Community Service Award plaque
      • Our WASC certification
      • Honor Roll display
      • Bright News/Student-of-the-Month display
      • Bell Ringing Ceremony bell and photos
      • Student artwork display
      • The Logo Bar (where we have our for-sale logo items hanging)
    • Building #2’s
      • Teacher offices
      • Computer lab with internet and black/white printer
      • Work tables
      • The library
      • Student work examples
    • Picnic tables to sit outside
    • Our garden
    • The Art teacher’s classroom and side entrance door
    • The direction of the SAHS gym where PE Group Work Outs happen