• Is Independent Study for You?

    Reflect on your experience as a student while asking these questions:

    • Do you wish to become more independent? Are you independent already?
    • Do you often get things done on your own?  
    • Are you able to easily grasp how to do schoolwork?
    • Are you able to focus on your own without a structured environment?
    • Can find answers to your questions and solve problems on your own?
    • Are you self-disciplined? Self-motivated?
    • Do you manage your time well?
    • Do you take responsibility for yourself, what you learn, and what you achieve?

    If you answered “yes” to the majority of these questions, then Valley Oaks may be a good school for you.

    Our Students

    The student population at Valley Oaks is quite unique. While many sorts of students are successful, it is difficult to specifically define the qualities of an average student. 

    A general overview of our population includes:

    • Those who excel academically
    • Students who have jobs
    • Students with major athletic or artistic pursuits
    • Students with health, social, and/or emotional concerns who need specialized instruction
    • Students seeking an alternative educational environment

    Check out this link if you have time: Independent Study, as defined by the California Department of Education 

    Valley Oaks Provides

    • Curriculum designed by highly qualified teachers
    • Challenging courses that meet A-G requirements and common core standards
    • Freedom to study at home and pursue interests, athletics, and job opportunities
    • Personalized schedules created to meet student needs, levels, and abilities

    AND Blended Learning Experiences:

    • One-on-one instruction
    • Small group learning
    • Online opportunities
    • Concurrent enrollment 

    * Supportive * Independent * Personalized *

    Valley Oaks School is a fully accredited independent study school within the Petaluma City Schools District.