• Mary Collins Charter Fund

    The Mary Collins Charter Fund (MCCF) works to raise the necessary funds to bring the MCCV charter to life, primarily focused on providing salary support for the programs that make our school unique. We know that these special programs are more than just the cherry on top of a top-notch educational experience; they are essential.

    For the 2021-2022 school year, MCCF’s budget is funding salaries for: our social-emotional counselor, our garden coordinators, our middle school music teacher, our advanced math teacher, our physical education program and other project-based learning programs.

    Our annual budget for next year depends on funds raised this year. We estimate these programs cost about $300 per year per student, beyond what is funded by the state and school district. If you are unable to pledge the full amount, please give what you can as every dollar counts! We rely on volunteers, donations and grants from our community to enrich our children’s education.

    Support The Fund

    You can support MCCF by joining us at monthly meetings, by making a donation, or by volunteering at events. Please visit our website for more information on how you can help.


    Monthly Board Meetings

    The Mary Collins Charter Fund board meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month at 6:45 pm. Please contact us for more information.