• Our Library

    The Friends of Cherry Valley Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group that underwrites part of the librarian’s salary, all library books, as well as supplies and technology for the school library.

    Our school library receives no state funding for library books. The school’s budget only covers a part-time librarian. Due to FCVL’s fundraising efforts, we are the only elementary school library in the district open for the entire school day. 100% of donations to the Friends of Cherry Valley Library directly support the school library.

    8:00am-3:30pm Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri.

    8:00am-1:00pm Wed.

    View The Friends Of Cherry Valley Library Google Doc to learn about our library, upcoming events, programs, and fundraisers, as well as how to access our online catalogs and other resources such as Encyclopedia Britannica  


    MCCV Library

    About The Librarian, April Derby

    April Derby attended Cherry Valley as well as her kids as now her grandkids! From the minute your child walks in through the door, she gets to know your child and what they like to read. She’s always there to help pick out the next great book and get them excited about reading. In addition to loving books, she spends her time hiking, going to the theater, and traveling with her family.