• The Advisory Council

    The Petaluma City Schools District Board of Trustees is the governing board of Mary Collins Charter School. An Advisory Council guides the internal affairs of the school. The Advisory Council shall be composed of teachers, classified staff, parents, and students. Teachers will hold a majority representation on the council. Council members will be elected on a rotating basis to ensure continuity from year to year.



    • Uphold the school’s vision and the integrity of its educational program
    • Review student work and data related to learning progress to uphold the goals of the learning outcomes
    • Review and monitor the budget to maintain fiscal health of the school
    • Monitor and coordinate parent involvement activities
    • Monitor committee activities and events that support the school’s mission statement and educational program
    • Serve as a conduit for new ideas and proposal from representative groups
    • Make recommendations to other representative groups in support of the school mission (Student Council, Faculty, Parent Volunteers)
    • Include representatives from outside the school community for advice and counsel as needed

    The Charter School Advisory Council may initiate and carry out any program, activity or may otherwise act in any manner which is not in conflict with or inconsistent with, or preempted by, any law and which is not in conflict with the purposes for which charter schools are established. All Advisory Council meetings operate according to the requirements of the Brown Act.

    Meeting times are the first Tuesday of each month at 3:15 in the Library.