How to Get Involved

  • There are three groups that raise funds for the school. The Educational Foundation, the PTA, and the Friends of Cherry Valley Library. Fundraisers are held, grants are written, and volunteers work tirelessly, all for the benefit of our children.

    Consider getting involved by volunteering or donating to the following groups:


    The Mary Collins Charter Fund (MCCF) is a committee of the PTA that pays teacher salaries that enable our school to fulfill its charter.  Examples include our social-emotional advisor, our garden coordinators, our middle school music teacher, our accelerated math teacher, and our physical education program. The primary fundraisers are an annual drive and the Walk-A-Thon.
    »More Information on the PTA Website



    The PTA funds environmental education, mentor reading, educational assemblies, Mentor-Me Petaluma, school garden/salad bar, field trip scholarships, performing arts, teacher classroom supplies, technology, art supplies, library, P.E. supplies, beach day, and a shade structure for the playground. The primary fundraiser is the Cherry Jubilee. There are many other auxiliary fundraisers that the PTA holds throughout the year. 
    »More Information on the PTA



    The Friends of Cherry Valley Library underwrites part of the librarian’s salary, all library books, as well as supplies and technology for the school library. The primary fundraisers are the Birdies for Books Golf Tournament, Membership Fund Drive, and Book Fair(s).
  • Volunteer Info

    TB Testing

    For the protection of our students and employees of the Petaluma School District, all employees and volunteers must have a current TB test on file. TB testing is offered free of charge. The TB clinic is held on a designated Wednesday of each month during the school year from 2:30- 3:30 p.m. at the District Office in the Redwood Room. The reading of the test is done the following Friday between 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the same location. The tuberculosis screen is valid for four years. Please come into the office for more information and a form to complete for your test.

    Volunteering At Cherry Valley

    If you are interested in helping out at MCCV, you may do so in many ways. You can ask your student’s teacher directly, contact the PTA, or call the office to let them know how you can help our school. Please remember you must check-in at the office when you arrive on campus to volunteer.

    Thank you!