Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. How do I become a volunteer?

    If you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer, please download or pick up the Penngrove Parent Volunteer form. Complete and turn into the office.

    2. What documentation do I need?

    We will need a completed volunteer form, a copy of your driver's license, and proof of a negative TB test if you are volunteering inside the classroom (must be less than four years old). If you are driving, we will also need a copy of the Field Trip/Parent Driver form with the required insurance documents.

    3. I have volunteered at Penngrove before. Do I need to complete a new form?

    Yes! Every year you will be required to update your volunteer form. This makes recordkeeping on our end much easier. As long as all of your submitted documents aren't expired, you will not have to resubmit them.

    4. Are my family members allowed to volunteer?

    Parents/guardians and grandparents are allowed to volunteer. Any volunteer who is not a parent or grandparent must get fingerprinted before volunteering.

    5. May I bring my baby/child with me to volunteer?

    We ask that you find childcare for your other children when you come to volunteer at Penngrove. Thank you!


    **If you have any further questions about volunteering, please feel free to call (707) 778-4755