• Homework Philosophy

    At Penngrove School, we believe that learning can happen anywhere at any time! As a staff, we feel strongly that students benefit from 20-30 minutes a night of reading (either independently or to a family member) and we ask that as parents, you make sure this is a priority each and every evening in your home. Additionally, students may sometimes be asked to complete a small amount of math homework in an effort to solidify the understanding of mathematical facts, fact families, and numerical relationships. With this being said, we also want to grant each family the permission to be human. We know that life happens and things come up (family celebrations, sporting events, hectic schedules) and we want to work with your family during these times.  Please be in communication with your child’s teacher during such times. Our goal with homework (whether optional or assigned) is always to prepare students for meaningful learning experiences and a strong set of study skills. Thank you for you partnership!