• Life Skills

    Each month, we highlight a different life skill at Penngrove through class discussions, activities, and read alouds. Our life skills program is an essential part of helping our students learn and practice positive character traits. We constantly focus on solving problems, getting along with others, developing a strong work ethic, and being risk takers. After all, we know that these are critical skills our students will need to be happy, healthy humans who are successful in school, the workplace, home and life beyond our campus.  Character education not only helps with a child’s social development, but also with academic success. The social emotional well-being of our students is a priority for Team Penn.

       * Citizenship * Respect * Responsibility * Giving *

    * Gratitude * Self-discipline * Courage * 

    *Kindness/Caring * Fairness * Trustworthiness * Perseverance *