• Support Services


    Our Bilingual Resource Teacher identifies, supports, and assists all students who qualify as not fluent or not proficient in English.


    Our Guidance Counselors work with students and families on a priority basis, both in groups and individually. Counseling services address a variety of issues including friendship skills, stress reduction, family transitions, communication, and self-esteem. Students and parents may self-refer and signed parent permission is required. Referral services and parenting classes and support are also provided.


    Our school nurse is here once a week to help meet the health needs of the children through eye and ear testing, and may visit the home in case of frequent and extended illness. The nurse also supports an active role in the classroom by teaching children about nutrition, good health habits, hygiene, and family life education. In the nurse’s absence, immediate health concerns are addressed in the front office, and first aid is administered as needed.


    Students with significant academic weaknesses may be selected for remedial programs. These programs emphasize skill development.


    The Mentor Me Program provides support for ongoing one-on-one relationships designed to enhance student success. See the Mentor Me website for more information.


    Our psychologist services McNear School two days each week to provide testing and observation of students. The psychologist assists the classroom teacher and other members of our learning team in pupil evaluation, diagnosis of student needs, and referrals to appropriate programs.


    Students (kindergarten – third grade) who require extra help with reading are served by our reading specialist.


    The teacher of the Resource Specialist Program instructs legally identified students who have average or above average ability but need extra help academically due to a learning disability.


    Our speech therapist is available to help children with special language needs, to act as a resource for the classroom teacher, and to confer with parents.


    Often there are times when parents and teachers need an opportunity to seek assistance from others when all means of intervention have been explored. The Student Study Team offers parents and staff the opportunity to collaboratively design strategies enhancing student success. Please contact your child’s teacher when you feel the need to address issues including/not limited to:

    • attendance
    • motivation
    • academic performance
    • discipline
    • social/emotional development 


    McNear is a Collaboration School with Sonoma State for Teacher Education. We welcome the assistance and the infusion of the newest instructional methods during their students’ placements in our classrooms. Student teachers are matched with interested mentor teachers and also have a supervisor from their graduate program. During their time at McNear they progress from observation to assistance and, finally, to a week or two of “soloing,” which is followed by a gradual reversal of roles with the classroom teacher.

    Pre-credential candidates also are welcomed at McNear to complete their 40 hours of observation/assistance. In both instances, your child’s teacher is able to expand the classroom experiences and/or to provide extra assistance to individuals or small groups of students.