• Counseling Services

  • Counselors are divided by student's last names. Counselors are available for academic, personal/social issues, and post-secondary (college & career) planning. Please email your counselor if you have questions or would like to set up an appointment to meet. To contact the counseling secretary, please call 707-778-4779. Additionally, we have MFT interns on-site available for extra mental health support. If you are looking for support, you can complete the PHS Mental Health Self-Referral Form directly or email your counselor. Be sure to review our counseling FAQs as many of your questions can be found here!

    Need to meet with your counselor? Fill out a request here (petk12 email addresses only)! 


  • Q-Z
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Counseling
  • Counseling Office
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Schedules 2024-2025

    If you wish to make a change to your 2024-2025 schedule, please complete this form. Schedule changes will be made based on the availability of courses and the master schedule. Schedules will be available for pickup at Trojan roll call on Friday, August 9th and Tuesday, August 13th. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th. If you are taking an AP/honors class, be sure to review the summer assignment, info available here.


  • Petaluma High School Counseling FAQs

  • A-G Requirements (4 Year Colleges)

  • Santa Rosa Junior College Information

  • PE Waiver Information, Board Policy AR 6142.7

  • College Planning: Tips & Important Information

  • Financial Aid

  • UC & CSU Application Filing Periods

  • College Tips: 

    • Create a separate, professional (yourname@domain.com) email to use for all applications. 
    • When sending applications and scholarship information through the Post Office, purchase a ‘proof of mailing’ certificate.
    • Keep a copy of every college and application that you submit, and keep them organized!
    • Gather all important materials - transcripts, resume/list of activities including all community service, start thinking about who will write your letters of recommendation (private schools only)
    • Plan a visit to the College and Career Center!  There is a variety of information and support available to seniors.
    • Visit https://www.californiacolleges.edu/#/ & https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/  for helpful planning tools, testing information, researching college, application calendars and much more!

    UC & CSU Application Filing Periods:

    • California State University https://www2.calstate.edu/apply 
      • October 1 – November 30 for Fall Admissions
    • University of California:       http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions
      • October 1 – November 30 for Fall Admissions
    • For private universities:  check the individual application dates, deadlines and enrollment requirements 
      • Early Decision/Early Action - usually October 1st 
      • Regular Admission - will vary by school 

    SAT & ACT (PHS SCHOOL CODE: 052460)

    • Many schools have gone to test optional, including CSU and UC schools. 
    • Private Universities:  check the individual testing requirements that are recommended for each school/major.
    • You are in charge of sending your test scores directly to the schools you apply to! 
    • SAT Reasoning & SAT Subject Area: http://collegeboard.com       
    • ACT Examination: www.actstudent.org 

    Write your personal essay EARLY!

    • Students applying to the University of California system and most private colleges and universities will be required to submit a personal essay.  Take your time to do this well!   Write your first draft, have someone whose writing ability you admire review your work…. Then update and re-write!
    • CSUs do not require essays. 

    Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) 

    California Community Colleges are a great place to start your post-secondary studies.

    • Certification programs for careers (example:  mechanics, computers, phlebotomy)
    • Associate of Arts Degrees (two year college degrees with a major area of study)
    • Transfer to a four-year university (take freshman and sophomore general education requirements, then transfer to a four-year university for completion of a Bachelor’s Degree.)
    • SRJC Jumpstart Program will help all students that plan to attend SRJC after high school.

    FAFSA & California Dream Act (AB 130 & AB131) December 1st-June 30th. 

    • Online applications should be completed for the 2024-2025 first-year student college year.  FAFSA is the umbrella application required for almost all federal, state, institutional and private grants/scholarships.  We recommend that you fill out this application regardless of your financial needs.             
    • Students who don’t qualify for financial aid under FAFSA may qualify under the California Dream Act. Qualifications to apply are: 1. a student must have attended a CA high school for a minimum of 3 years, 2. graduate from a CA high school, pass the CAHSEE or receive a GED, 3.enroll in an accredited and qualified CA college or university and 4. if applicable, fill out an affidavit to legalize immigration status as soon as eligible. 

    Websites for College Planning:

    Listing colleges with programs for students with learning disabilities/differences

    Find your college- Search by major, location, size etc

    Search Engine- Find a College for Me

    My Big Future - search for colleges, majors, and careers! 

    CSU GPA Calculator 

    UC GPA Calculator