• Why Choose Grant?

    After School Enrichment

    Our PTA organizes enriching after-school experiences such as robots, chess, cooking, jewelry making, tennis, and golf.  Classes are filled according to registration form/payment submissions and many will fill up quickly.

    Caring Schools Community

    The Caring Schools Community program includes schoolwide community-building activities, classroom meetings and lessons, a home-school connection, buddy activities, and more. This program enables partnering with McNear families to support our students’ academic, social, ethical, and emotional growth.


    All of Grant's 3-6 grade teachers have been trained in GATE teaching strategies during the 2017-18 school year.  The goal of the integrated GATE program is to engage all learners in a dynamic, rigorous, and engaging learning experience with the end goal of preparing them to leaders and stewards of the future.  

    Grant Green Wednesdays

    Students show their school spirit each Wednesday by dressing in school color: green. The 2 classes with the most participation each week are the Shinning Shamrock winners of the week. 

    T-shirts and sweatshirts with the Grant logo are available. Sales are organized and coordinated by the PTA. 

    Garden Education

    Grant has an active Garden Education program. Each Fall and Spring the garden turns into a rotating outdoor classroom for students K-5 that consist of science and hands-on gardening. Parent volunteers are a huge part of keeping our garden as beautiful as it is today.

    Science Education

    Through funding from the PTA, Grant has a part-time Science teacher that supports learning in the garden and our robotics classes.  Grant received a major impact grant from the Petaluma Education Foundation to fund our robotics curriculum!

    Performing Arts

    Performing Arts is a volunteer-run after-school drama program designed and run by Grant parents for Grant students. Please consider taking advantage of this fabulous confidence and character-building experience.

    Our program has become so popular with the Grant community that enrollment numbers are very high. Grant hosts a Talent show in the Fall and a Musical in the Spring. 

    Rehearsals typically begin for the Fall show shortly after school starts. The Spring show rehearsals start shortly after the Winter break.

    Thank you for your interest and participation in our all-volunteer program. We COULD NOT do it without you!

    Physical Education (PE)

    Besides receiving PE from the classroom teacher, our students have a weekly PE with our PE coach.  Coach uses the Spark curriculum to foster cooperative learning, movement, and coordination during class. 

    6th Grade Leadership

    We offer leadership opportunities for our 6th graders to be part of committees: Spirit Committee (plans Spirit Days for our school), Community Service, International Day, etc). 

    TOOLBOX by Dovetail Learning

    TOOLBOX is a research-based, community-tested Kindergarten through sixth grade social and emotional learning (SEL) program. This program of 12 “tools” strengthens students’ self-mastery, resilience, and empathy.  

    Visual Thinking Strategies

    Thanks to the Petaluma Arts Center, many teachers went through training for Visual Thinking Strategies during the 2017-18 school year. Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a method initiated by teacher-facilitated discussions of art images. This method can help develop key behaviors such as “thinking skills that become habitual and transfer from lesson to lesson, oral and written language literacy, visual literacy, and collaborative interactions among peers.” Learn more about VTS here.