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Principal's Welcome Letter for the 2022/2023 School Year

Dear Valley Oaks Families,


Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year.  As I start my 8th year at Valley Oaks, I look forward to continuing with the work we began last year, post distance learning, and watching the students thrive at this amazing school.  I am incredibly proud of our outstanding faculty, the challenging and rigorous curriculum we provide, and the unique opportunities available to our students.  This is a review year for Valley Oaks and we expect to again receive top ratings from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges which allows our students acceptance at colleges and postsecondary programs all over the country.


We are fortunate to enjoy the consistency of staff as Ms. Halsey, Ms. Kesseru, and Ms. Parker will continue to provide the very best instruction to our students.  Our counselor, Mr. Shinzato, is available to help students navigate their course work, co-enroll opportunities including at SRJC, and post graduate options including information gathering and the application process.  The fantastic Ms. Cook will continue to support Valley Oaks students and families as the heart of our school, helping us all as we work our way through this new school year.   Additionally, all students should be actively working on their New Student Assignment or Returning Student 3x4 Assignment. If you are a new student, or a returning student who was not required to do the New Student Assignment, you will do that one. If you are a returning student who previously completed the New Student Assignment, you will do the 3x4. Both of these assignments can be found on our website under Academics. Feel free to get started on these at your leisure. The final product will be due at your first meeting the week of August 22. You will not be allowed to start in your academic classes until your assignment is completed.


NSA and 3x4 Assignment Instructions


Each staff member continues to work on a variety of options designed to support our students as they think about their post-high school life.  Increased familiarity with the use of technology as students pursue their education will be critical to their success in the future.  


Following the tremendous success of our Digital Portfolio Night prior to the implementation of distance learning, we will again be helping your students create a portfolio of their work to share with you at our Back to School Night in May.  We also recognize the importance of collaboration as integral to student growth and continue to develop opportunities for students to work together in many of the subject areas.  Our regular student-teacher meetings are at the heart of the learning we design for students of Valley Oaks and we look forward to another very rich year of in-person instruction.  


The roster of students enrolled at Valley Oaks represents grades 9 - 12.  Our expectation is that each student coming to Valley Oaks is serious about graduating from high school and that many will continue their education after graduation.  Valley Oaks offers an opportunity for our students to reach this objective in a uniquely personalized manner.  As a staff, we work hard to ensure that courses are appropriate to meet the goals of the student and that all requirements for graduation and post high school education are met.  To accomplish this, we expect each student to understand his/her academic responsibilities.  These include consistent attendance, meeting a commitment to complete work on schedule, high standards for the work completed, and completion of the required community service hours each semester.  Students are expected to be active and conscientious participants in their learning.  Our small size fosters close connections between teachers and students, and our goal is to help every student to be successful!


Parent involvement is a critical component for student success at Valley Oaks.  Providing an environment that is conducive to daily studying is essential.  We would also invite all parents and guardians to become actively involved in the school community.  There are numerous opportunities for parents to contribute to our school including membership in our site council, helping us develop our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and attendance at district committee meetings.   Feel free to contact staff when you have questions or concerns related to your child.  Working together, I believe that we can foster real success for all of our students.  I look forward to a wonderful school year and getting to know each of you.




Rebecca Lofton

Principal, Valley Oaks School