• Innovative Learning

    The Four C's: Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity

    These four themes are woven through our Common Core standards-based curriculum that is supported by modern technology and state of the art facilities. Students equipped with skills in the "Four C's" are prepared for college, career, and beyond. No matter what the future holds, Petaluma City Schools students will have a passport to success because of their ability to effectively communicate, think critically, work well with others, and innovate.


    As the first district in Sonoma County to offer a 1:1 student technology program, PCS educators enhance and redefine learning experiences through the effective integration of technology.  All elementary students are provided with an iPad, all jr. high students are provided with a 2-in-1 (tablet/laptop) Chromebook, and high school students are offered a 2-in-1 Chromebook.  

    Collaborative Learning Environments

    In 2014, Petaluma City Schools invested in new furniture for all learning environments to promote flexibility, maximize space, and support a variety of learning styles. This furniture allows classrooms to quickly transform from rows to table groups to any shape imaginable. These possibilities allow for quiet seat work one moment, and a lively discussion the next.

    Innovative Programs

    Here is a sampling of just some of the many innovative programs offered in our schools:







    iPad with Icons