• Remote learning Grading Policies


    Ms. Hopkins - Band 

    Class Participation 


    -Previously 40% prior to distance learning 

    Performance Conduct 


    -Percentage remains the same 



    -Previously 15% prior to distance learning 



    -Percentage remains the same




    There will be no new grades added to the following categories during the duration of distance learning: Class Participation, Performance Conduct, Homework, and Classwrok.  

    • If a student would like to make up an assignment that was assigned previous to remote learning, this needs to be arranged with Ms. Hopkins 1:1 for the chance to earn partial credit. 

    Previous to distance learning: 

    • Previous to distance learning, grades were weighted as indicated in the far right column of the chart above. 
    • Students’ grades prior to spring break are the grades that were given to them for the 5th grading period

    Remote learning Grades: 

    Grading Categories: 

    • During the duration of remote learning, grading categories have changed slightly to reflect the new grading category “remote learning” (indicated on the bottom column of the chart)
    • This means that assignments prior to spring break have changed weight slightly to reflect this change as well 
    • All assignments that students turn in during distance learning, will be indicated under the “remote learning” grading category (15% of the students’ overall grade)

    Semester Grades:

    • If a student turns in and participates in 70% or more of band student work/zoom meetings, and it is clear that they have put forth their best effort, they will earn the better of two grades (either the grade they earned previous to distance learning, or the grade they have earned at the end of the semester).
    • Participating in and turning in all remote learning assignments is a great way to bring up grades! (especially if grades were not desirable prior to distance learning).
    • If a student is missing 30% or more of assignments and/or zoom meetings during distance learning, there will be a grade drop and the student will not get the opportunity to earn the better of the two grades. Their semester grade will be determined on a case by case basis (dependent on percentage of work missing and/or internet accessibility)

    Technology Issues:

    • If a student is having technology issues that is preventing them from completing their work, this needs to be communicated with Ms. Hopkins ASAP and as problems arise. 
    • If a student is having technology/Internet issues during scheduled zoom meetings, they can show up to zoom office hours to get credit for missed zoom meetings

    Late Work:

    • Late work for Edpuzzle and SmartMusic assignments will be accepted throughout the semester for partial credit
    • The amount of partial credit granted will be determined on a case by case basis depending on internet accessibility and how late the assignment is