Keanu Homework

Tentative History Textbook Reading Calendar

  • *  Note: These dates are a very rough approximation of where we will be at any point through out the year.  Specific assignments will be slightly different.  The actual assignments will be listed on the US History OLEO's (Homework) page.


    Chapter One – Early Exploration and Settlement 08/15

    Chp 1 Sec 1 pg 6 - 11 First inhabitants / Indians 08/17

    Chp 1 Sec 2 pg 12 – 19 Explorers / Northwest Passage / Colombian Exchange 08/21

    Chp 1 Sec 3 pg 20 – 23 Spanish Explorers / California 08/23

    Chp 1 Sec 4 pg 24 – 27 European Empires / Printing Press 

    Chapter Review pg 29 – 30 Standards Assessment pg 31


    Chapter Two – English Colonies 09/06

    Chp 2 Sec 1 pg 36 – 41 Jamestown / Southern colonies 08/27

    Chp 2 Sec 2 pg 42 – 48 Mayflower / Pilgrims / New England 08/29

    Chp 2 Sec 3 pg 49 – 51 New York / New Jersey / Pennsylvania 08/31

    Chp 2 Sec 4 pg 54 – 61 Great Awakening / French-Indian War Page 62-63 Slave Trade 09/05

    Chp 2 Sec 5 pg 64 – 69 Lead up to Declaration of Independence 09/07

    Chapter Review pg 71 – 72 Standards Assessment pg. 73


    Chapter Three – American Revolution 09/11

    Chp 3 Sec 1 pg 78 - 81 Continental Congress / Revolution Begins 09/13

    Chp 3 Sec 2 pg 83 - 85 Common Sense / Patriots-Loyalists 09/17 Page 86 – 89 Declaration of Independence 09/19

    Chp 3 Sec 3 pg 90 – 97 Revolutionary War 09/21

    Chp 3 Sec 4 pg 98 – 101 War Ends / Treaty of Paris

    Chapter Review pg 103 -104 Standards Assessment pg 105


    Chapter Four – Forming Government 10/04

    Chp 4 Sec 1 pg 114 – 117 Articles of Confederation / Land Division Page 118 – 119 Origins of the Constitution 10/08

    Chp 4 Sec 2 pg 120 - 124 Issues Arise – Shays Rebellion 10/10

    Chp 4 Sec 3 pg 125 – 130 Create Constitution 10/12

    Chp 4 Sec 4 pg 132 – 135 Ratification – Federalists/Antifederalists

    Chapter Review pg 137 - 138 Standards Assessment pg 139


    Chapter Five – Constitution 10/17

    Chp 5 Sec 1 pg 144 - 148 Judicial / Legislative / Executive Branch’s 10/19 Page 150 – 177 The Constitution 10/23

    Chp 5 Sec 2 pg 178 - 183 Bill of Rights 10/25

    Chp 5 Sec 3 pg 184 – 187 Rights / Responsibilities / Citizenship

    Chapter Review pg 189 - 190 Standards Assessment pg 191


    Chapter Six – Launching the Nation 10/29

    Chp 6 Sec 1 pg 196 – 199 President George Washington / New Nation 10/31

    Chp 6 Sec 2 pg 200 – 204 Hamilton / Jefferson – National Finances 11/02

    Chp 6 Sec 3 pg 205 – 211 Neutrality / Treaty’s / Whiskey Rebellion 11/06

    Chp 6 Sec 4 pg 212 – 215 John Adam / XYZ Affair / Alien Sedition Act

    Chapter Review pg 217 - 218 Standards Assessment pg 219


    Chapter Seven – Jefferson Era 11/08

    Chp 7 Sec 1 pg 228 – 232 President Jefferson / Marbury vs Madison 11/13

    Chp 7 Sec 2 pg 234 – 239 Louisiana Purchase / Lewis & Clark 11/15

    Chp 7 Sec 3 pg 240 – 245 Embargo Act / Battle Tripoli 11/19

    Chp 7 Sec 4 pg 246 - 249 War of 1812

    Chapter Review pg 253 - 254 Standards Assessment pg 255


    Chapter Eight – New National Identity 11/26

    Chp 8 Sec 1 pg 260 – 263 Foreign Policy / Monroe Doctrine 11/28

    Chp 8 Sec 2 pg 264 – 267 Nationalism / Sectionalism 11/30

    Chp 8 Sec 3 pg 270 – 273 American Writers & Art / Hudson River School

    Chapter Review pg 277 - 278 Standards Assessment pg 279


    Chapter Nine – Age of Jackson 12/04

    Chp 9 Sec 1 pg 284 – 287 President Jackson / Democratic Party 12/06

    Chp 9 Sec 2 pg 288 - 293 Nullification / McCulloch vs Maryland 12/10

    Chp 9 Sec 3 pg 294 – 297 Indian Removal / Trail of Tears Page 298 – 299 Indian Removal Treaties

    Chapter Review pg 301 -302 Standards Assessment pg 303


    Chapter Ten - Expanding West 12/12

    Chp 10 Sec 1 pg 308 - 311 Trails to the West 12/14

    Chp 10 Sec 2 pg 312 - 315 Texas Revolution / The Alamo 12/18

    Chp 10 Sec 3 pg 316 - 325 Mexican American War 12/20

    Chp 10 Sec 4 pg 326 - 331 California Gold Rush

    Chapter Review pg 335 - 336 Standards Assessment pg 337


    Chapter Eleven – The North 01/08

    Chp 11 Sec 1 pg 346 - 351 Industrial Revolution 01/10

    Chp 11 Sec 2 pg 352 - 357 Lowell & Rhode Island System / Unions 01/14

    Chp 11 Sec 3 pg 358 - 363 Steamboats / Railroads 01/16

    Chp 11 Sec 4 pg 364 - 367 Telegraph / Steam power / Inventions

    Chapter Review pg 369 - 370 Standards Assessment pg 371


    Chapter Twelve – The South 01/18

    Chp 12 Sec 1 pg 376 - 381 Cotton Gin / Cotton Industry 01/23

    Chp 12 Sec 2 pg 382 - 385 Southern Society 01/25

    Chp 12 Sec 3 pg 358 - 363 The Slave System / Uprisings

    Chapter Review pg 393 - 394 Standards Assessment pg 395


    Chapter Thirteen – New Movements in America 01/29

    Chp 13 Sec 1 pg 400 - 404 Immigration / Rise of Cities 02/04

    Chp 13 Sec 2 pg 405 – 407 Transcendentalism / Romanticism 02/06

    Chp 13 Sec 3 pg 410 – 415 Temperance / Prison / Education 02/08

    Chp 13 Sec 4 pg 416 - 421 Abolitionist / Underground Railroad 02/13

    Chp 13 Sec 5 pg 423 - 428 Woman’s Rights / Seneca Falls

    Chapter Review pg 431 - 432 Standards Assessment pg 433


    Chapter Fourteen – Divided Nation 02/15

    Chp 14 Sec 1 pg 438 – 443 Compromise / Fugitive Slave Act 02/20

    Chp 14 Sec 2 pg 445 – 449 Bleeding Kansas / John Brown 02/22

    Chp 14 Sec 3 pg 450 – 454 Republican Party / Dred Scott / Lincoln- Douglas 02/26

    Chp 14 Sec 4 pg 455 - 459 Harper’s Ferry / Election 1860 / Confederacy

    Chapter Review pg 461 - 462 Standards Assessment pg 463


    Chapter Fifteen – Civil War 02/28

    Chp 15 Sec 1 pg 472 - 476 Fort Sumter / Border States / Cotton Diplomacy 03/03

    Chp 15 Sec 2 pg 478 – 483 Bull Run / Antietam / Ironclads 03/05

    Chp 15 Sec 3 pg 484 – 487 Grant / Farragut / Shiloh / Vicksburg 03/07

    Chp 15 Sec 4 pg 490 - 496 Emancipation / Copperheads / Habeas Corpus 03/11

    Chp 15 Sec 5 pg 497 - 503 Gettysburg / Total War / Appomattox Courthouse

    Chapter Review pg 505 - 506 Standards Assessment pg 507


    Chapter Sixteen – Reconstruction 03/13

    Chp 16 Sec 1 pg 512 - 517 Reconstruction / Freedmen’s Bureau 03/17

    Chp 16 Sec 2 pg 518 – 523 Black Codes / Amendments / Impeachment 03/19

    Chp 16 Sec 3 pg 524 – 531 Carpetbaggers / KKK / Plessy v Ferguson

    Chapter Review pg 533 - 534 Standards Assessment pg 535


    Chapter Seventeen – Americans Move West 03/21

    Chp 17 Sec 1 pg 546 - 552 Miners /Cattle / Transcontinental Railroad 04/01

    Chp 17 Sec 2 pg 553 – 559 Indian Wars / Wounded Knee / Chief Joseph 04/03

    Chp 17 Sec 3 pg 560 – 565 Homestead Act / Farming

    Chapter Review pg 567 - 568 Standards Assessment pg 569


    Chapter Eighteen - Industrial Nation 04/07

    Chp 18 Sec 1 pg 574 - 578 Steel / Electricity / Autos / Airplanes 04/09

    Chp 18 Sec 2 pg 579 – 582 Monopolies / Carnegie / Rockefeller 04/11

    Chp 18 Sec 3 pg 584 – 587 Labor Unions / Strikes 04/15

    Chp 18 Sec 4 pg 588 - 593 Immigrants / Opposition to immigration 04/17

    Chp 18 Sec 5 pg 594 - 597 City Life / Urban problems

    Chapter Review pg 599 - 600 Standards Assessment pg 601


    Chapter Nineteen – Spirit of Reform 04/21

    Chp 19 Sec 1 pg 606 - 609 Gilded Age / Political Corruption 04/23

    Chp 19 Sec 2 pg 610 – 614 Progressive Movement / voting power 04/25

    Chp 19 Sec 3 pg 615 – 619 Child Labor / Workplace Safety / Labor 04/29

    Chp 19 Sec 4 pg 622 – 626 woman’s suffrage / NAACP 05/01

    Chp 19 Sec 5 pg 627 - 631 Teddy Roosevelt / Progressive Reforms

    Chapter Review pg 633 - 634 Standards Assessment pg 635


    Chapter Twenty – America Becomes World Power 05/05

    Chp 20 Sec 1 pg 640 – 645 Imperialism / Alaska / Hawaii / Trade 05/07

    Chp 20 Sec 2 pg 646 – 651 War with Spain / Gaining Territory 05/09

    Chp 20 Sec 3 pg 652 – 658 Panama Canal / Roosevelt Corollary 05/13

    Chp 20 Sec 4 pg 659 – 661 Mexican Revolution / US Response

    Chapter Review pg 665 - 666 Standards Assessment pg 667