• Student Attendance Policy

    For Absences & Off-Campus Requests

    Attendance Line Phone #: (707) 778-4726 (24 Hours)


    Absences due to doctor/dentist appointments, illness, court, family bereavement, and religious holidays are the ONLY excused absences by State Law.

    If your student is coming to school late or returning from school after leaving for part of the day with an off-campus pass, they MUST check in with the Attendance Desk.

    1. ALL ABSENCES MUST BE VERIFIED. It is necessary for a parent/guardian to send a note, a doctor’s verification, call the attendance line, or email the Student Records Clerk, Suzie Andersen, at sandersen@petk12.org. The following information MUST be included in your absence note:
      1. The exact number of days and dates absent
      2. The specific reason for the absence
      3. Signature of parent/guardian
      4. The date the note is written
    2. If your student is late or will be late to school, please send a note, phone the attendance line, or email Suzie Andersen (sandersen@petk12.org).
      1. To report an absence, please call: (707) 778-4726
      2. Leave a message with your name and relation to the student, the name of the student, the date of the absence, and the reason for the absence.
      3. If you bring a note to the office, please include the same information and bring it to Suzie Andersen at the Attendance Desk.
    3. A student who has missed 2 class periods during the school day is not eligible to participate in any student activity that occurs after school on the same day unless he/she is cleared by the administration.
    4. Absences that are not cleared in the office within 3 days will be considered “cuts” and will be referred to the Assistant Principal.
    5. On any day of an absence, you can go online and refer to your Parent Portal account (located in AERIES) or you can email the teacher directly to request homework.
    6. For an extended absence from school (minimum 5 days), you may request that your student receive Independent Study. This must be requested by the parent, at least 5 schooldays in advance. Contact Mr. Dee at zdee@petk12.org for more information.


    OFF-CAMPUS REQUESTS (Picking Up Early)

    If you need to pick up your student during class time, please leave a message on the phone or email provided above. Include in the message the following information:

    1. Your name
    2. Name of the student to be picked up and relation to you
    3. Time and reason for pick-up
    4. Whether the student will be returning or not

    Confirming Attendance

    Your child's attendance record is available when you log into AERIES.

Excusing Absences through ParentSquare