• Student Clubs

  • Do you want to start a new ASB club? Here are the steps:

    1. Think of something you are interested in or passionate about.
    2. Find at least 6 other students who are interested in the same thing.
    3. Find a teacher willing to sponsor your club.
    4. Fill out the Application for a New Club form together.
    5. Create your Club Constitution (This describes your club, when it will meet, and the jobs of the club officers.)
    6. Turn in your Application and Constitution to Ms. Gustafson.

    As soon as your club is approved by Principal Dinday and ASB (student council), your club will be added to the school calendar and you can start your official meetings!!


  • Associated Student Body (ASB) Clubs



Degrees and Certifications:

Drama Club

Drama Club meets every Thursday in room G-1. Come to make new friends and sharpen your acting skills!

Advisor: Mrs. Valci



Degrees and Certifications:

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

Purpose: to gather and support students  who identify as and/or support members of the LBGQTI+ community
Tuesdays at lunch outside in E-2
Advisor: Ms. Frush



Degrees and Certifications:

Movie Club

Movie Club meets every Tuesday at lunch in room G-1!

Come make new friends and enjoy some new movies!

Advisor: Mrs. Valci



Degrees and Certifications:

Super Hero Club

Super Hero club meets Thursdays in S2 at lunchtime

Join our Google Classroom for news & updates!
Join Code: grh5hqk
Advisor: Mr. Lang