News & Announcements

  • Welcome Letter

    Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. I’m happy to have you as a part of our schools, and I’m excited about starting a brand new year. Our commitment to you is to do our very best to teach students to be Effective Communicators and Critical Thinkers. This year I look forward to student growth, both academically and personally... Click on the Welcome Letter title above to see the full letter.

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  • Join Our Community!

    As a way to communicate with our parents and greater school community, our history, government, and economics teacher, Mr. Anderson, has put together Facebook pages for both Carpe Diem and Sonoma Mountain High School. We’ve sent out invitations to all our families, in hopes of keeping them in the loop regarding what is going on at our schools. Click the Join Our Community title above to see the links.

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  • Students at Bite of Reality

    Bite of Reality

    We participated in Bite of Reality with Sonoma Mountain High School, San Antonio High School, Valley Oaks High School, and RISE Academy. Students got to simulate the responsibilities of adulthood by taking on a role and being tasked with purchasing all the essential goods and services of a functioning adult.

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  •  Students at Universal Technical Institute (UTI) Presentation

    Universal Technical Institute (UTI) Presentation

    Friday, October 12, 2018. As a part of our Career Readiness program, we invite presenters and speakers to present possible career paths for our students after high school. Today we heard from the Universal Technical Institute (UTI).

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  • Carpe Diem and Sonoma Mountain students in Ecuador

    Solar Suitcases - Ecuador, Spring 2018

    Noah Pacheco from Sonoma Mountain High School and Lindsey Boyd from Carpe Diem High School went on a 12-day service learning trip to Ecuador where they delivered We Share Solar® Suitcases to a remote village in the in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest.

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