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        Para leer esta página en español, haga clic arriba en Idioma.

        Thank you for your interest in classes. Registration is currently closed. Registration for fall classes will begin Tuesday, Aug. 13. 

        ESL Classes will begin August 26, 2024.

        Daytime ESL classes meet Monday to Thursday (4 mornings), 8:45-11:30 am.

        Evening ESL classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays (2 evenings), 6:00-8:30 pm.


        Classesparking and child care are FREE. You can purchase books for $20 if you wish.


        Citizenship Preparation

        Citizenship Preparation will begin August 28, 2024.

        The class is on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 pm, at McDowell School. Free parking and free child care are available.

        This class is designed for people who can speak, read and write in English and are ready to apply for naturalization. To apply, you need to have your green card for at least 5 years (or a minimum of 3 years if you are married to a U.S. citizen).

        Please note, to do the Citizenship interview in your native language, you must:

        -Be 50-54 years old and have had a green card for 20 years or more, OR 

        -Be 55 or older and have had a green card for 15 years or more.

        If you meet these requirements and want to take a class in Spanish, please contact Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa at 707.308.4769.   
